What exactly does "demographically out of touch" mean?

You realize you proved my point? You can hardly be expected to win an election in an area of people who arent one or more of your demographics. It does happen but not very often and not historically.

Obama did it. Twice.

Fair is scary? Having balanced rules to allow more to participate is scary?

Do you prefer our pay to play system, where those with the means, make all the basic rules?

I thought you were a fan of a democratic republic?

Yes, you’re trying to engineer outcomes.

A republic is about rights, you don’t have the right to an economic outcome.

The current outcomes are already being engineered. They always are. Unless you believe there is an actual free market.

Currently, rules favor those with that already have the wealth and power, to keep it.

The game is rigged.

We need to make the rules more fair, and balanced. Perfection is unachievable. But come on man, we can do better.

Do you have the right to fair and equal opportunity?

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Only took nearly 3 centuries. The dynamics of both his wins were remarkably high minority turnout. Lower white turnout, and the whole country tired of the great recession. 4 years later proved its difficult to unseat an incumbent president.

No, you don’t.

White people, not minorities, elected Obama.

Caught 10 minutes of Rush over lunch. Guess what he was doing? Whining about how it’s not fair that Facebook controls most of social media.

How do you propose to do that without using the government?

Then you don’t have the right to prevent people from making it fair and equal.

I don’t care much for that fellow.

That’s what govt is for.

That doesn’t make any sense. Government is not the solution; it is the problem.

They all do, the only difference is what their perception of fair is.

And there it is.

I don’t understand your post.

Who said anything about not using the government?
Government makes the rules.
We need to change the rules.