What exactly does "demographically out of touch" mean?

Are whites disproportionately targeted by racists?

Some Democrats had similar “safe-space” policies back in the 1960s:

Was James Meredith “demographically out of touch” with the student body of Old Miss?

so the purpose of this thread was what, exactly?

“democratic socialist”

Just as there are varying degrees of conservatism, liberalism, capitalism, communism…there are also varying degrees of socialism.

The democratic socialism that Bernie, and now many other democrats, align more with the likes of Norway, Denmark, Finland…vs Venezuela or Cuba.

With the former have robust capitalistic economies, but with enough democratic socialism, to make it a more fair playing field., coupled with better social safety net.

That does produce less billionaires, but they seem to be doing quite well overall.

Pointing out examples of what appear to be racist code words and hypocrisy is a start.

Bernie certainly had some nice things to say about Castro:

Huh. Except the OP didn’t do that.

it seems to be a call to arms for those who feel the white race is under attack.

But, was Bernie being demographically out of touch? That’s what really matters.

He gets a pass under the “grandfather clause”.

Georgia is 60% white.

Florida 76% white.

The country 78%

What else you got?

What it means is the white liberal males who helped them get elected are getting voted off the island.

Just like I said would happen.

What’s Norway?..the size and population of Pennsylvania? Big deal. They are all fooling themselves if they think America all 325 million can support any kind of socialism.

We already do.

Feel the Bern!

Actually, Penn. has 2x more people that Norway.

But wait…

Are you suggesting Norge, Swedes, Finns, and the Danes are better than Americans at producing a robust, fair economic system that creates wealth in a more balanced manner?


Good Lord that’s a scary post.

Nice things? He simply described the situation…from 1985.

When one has to go back 35 years to make a point, the point, is pointless.

Try again.

Why? Please be specific.


“In a more balanced manner”

Very scary.