What exactly does "demographically out of touch" mean?

Both sides whine about fairness, both would love to use government to do their bidding.

Ah so, no disagreement. I don’t care for pundits in general.



Seriously. A Reagan quote?

Name any society, ever, that thrived with no rules, and no one to enforce the rules.


Comanches. Ruled everything from Kansas to Mexico.

Not the solution to what? What problem is it?

That kind of thinking is how the civil rights movement could have been killed.

Is it really? I honestly didn’t know that. I didn’t care for him either.

The government didn’t win the civil rights war.

Hence the reason it is scary.

You don’t think they had rules?

They were certainly a very patriarchal society, so the rules certainly favored the men.

Much like we have today in America…with the extra caveat of the tone of their skin.

The government was used to win it. The government is the people. You act like the government is some autonomous entity. The people control the government to the tune they want it.

The Civil Rights war is still active. Progress was made after government legislation, but more time is needed, and possibly more legislation.

That hasn’t been true since Alexander Hamilton got involved.

No, it wasn’t. The government, like always, claimed credit after the fact.

Nope, each man was his own leader.

There’s three of y’all.

Unfortunately, the battle still exists.

We need to treat the Confederates, in the similar manner Germany treats the Nazis.

Acknowledge their history, in museums and the classroom.

How are they doing today?