What does this even mean?

If America is defending more, it makes sense why they would spend more GDP on the military.

Why should other countries, whose military is only used for NATO defence, spend a similar percentage of their GDP?

In what way is Trump a “strong leader”? He gets rolled regularly in international interactions, and is seen as an ineffective buffoon by most of the world…

Exactly! He’s done, his tweets or whatever comes out of his lying mouth doesn’t mean ■■■■■

Can you please explain the names of basic colors for us too. Oh my how we didnt knkw that the US and Soviet union was involved in WW2

Because they have chosen to opt out of defending parts of Asia etc. Why should we spend more defending the world than they do?
It is understandable why Germany should concentrate more of their defense on Europe, but why should we spend as much as they on just Europe?

You see what you want to see, because you have TDS. Trump leads the world in such a way that only a true genius can truly understand. One day the history book will see President Trump and see him as the man who brought the world to a new era. The partnership between the United States and Russia will change the way the United States operates around the world.

In what way does the US have more than Europe to defend? Why do we need to spend blood and treasure defending more than the US? If there’s something in the Constitution about that, I seem to have missed it.

Well done, comrade!

No. I didn’t say any of that.

New World Order confirmed.

Ok, that’s the real old time America first attitude that some falsely accused Trump over. And that is certainly worth a thread of its own.

“We helped the Germans in World War II?”

“Forget it, he’s rolling”

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The United States does not make money on money. Donald Trump knows how to run a business because he has managed many businesses over the years. Donald knows how to use money. Money and debt are well known to Donald Trump. That is why a meaningless alliance with the European Union must be terminated. Alliances of countries with similar interests should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. This is a bad reason for the EU. It must end. NATO too. The United States has no reason to deal with countries that matter to us.

That is obviously a hard core, full blown pancake flippin’ Trump Supporter.

The thing is, I know the answer to my (somewhat rhetorical) question. The reason we maintain bases in other countries is not primarily to defend them, but as a forward buffer to defend ourselves since our adversaries are separated from us by oceans and poles. Why do these countries allow us to maintain bases there? Because they recognize that our forward forces are a potential benefit to them as well, since we’ve agreed (through NATO and other alliances) to defend them if need be.

This is why you vote for the wrong people Roxie. They lie, you believe blindly.


This might be a crazy thought. Maybe, just maybe, we shouldn’t be spending 4.3% GDP on our military?

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What other methods could we control the world without military power?

But, but then we would be spending less than the next seven countries combined! Can’t have that…

We don’t control the world, There’s your problem, I think…