What does the UK election say about 2020 in the US?

Hey, you’re free to have faith in what ever you believe to be the truth. That’s your constitutional right to have those opinions that you saw on the internet. :hugs:

Me and the other 312,550,500 of us.
Does not suck,but it is frustrating.

Congrats on being in the top 5%!

That almost looks like projection.

Facts matter.

Faith, is over rated.

Always when it’s put into people.

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Immigration and refugees.

I generally agree, but it’s not just the wealthy. A bunch of screaming women got DACA “passed”.

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Perhaps working Britons have had enough of their money taxed into the stratosphere to fund socialist handouts to those who won’t work?
Or maybe the liberal immigration policies?
Somebody across the pond sure seems unhappy with the current state of affairs though.


It would appear nation virtue signaling has it’s limits.

Sigh - educate yourself. With the internet it is easy to get a handle on why Labour lost.

The Tories won by promising to increase government spending.

Perhaps these videos of violent Antifa protests in London give us an idea of what some US cities will look like on November 4, 2020, if Trump is re-elected:

Why? It’s easier to get informed by the astute highly well heeled and educated here.


Brit LEOs aren’t worried about beating someone’s arse with a baton.

Sounds just like the idiots over here.

Looks a lot like the protests when Trump took office:

I expect the same in 2020 even if Trump wins in a landslide.


No, it didn’t. The entire election was about a single issue that doesn’t even have an analog here.

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They ignore those two issues not only at their own peril but that of the western world. I keep up with European elections somewhat and the rise of right wing populism parties across each country, grows each election. Some of these parties were just formed four years ago. I couldn’t believe the right wing “VOX” party of Spain came in third earlier this year. Look at that rise in just four years and it’s like that across Europe.

I don’t know what the outcome will be but they won’t be able to ignore them forever. That’s why maybe leaving Europe might not have been such a bad vote after all.

It says to the pundit class, hey, maybe we can smear Bernie Sanders as an anti-semite to get rid of him.

That isn’t antifa.

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I guess UK is full of deplorables too.