What does a politician have to do before being dumped by the people?

Perhaps you should take your own advice. There were about 1000 deaths before Obama even noticed the swine flu and about 4000 before he actually tried to do anything.

And exactly what could Reagan have done about AIDS except tell the sodomites and drug addicts to quit their behaviour?

Even when a Republican is accused of corruption and later convicted, Republicans will vote for him.

There, there, there…do ya feeeeeeeeel better? It never happened but…what IF…amirite? :sunglasses:

You seem to be ignorant of the particulars of Duncan Hunter. He was re-elected by Republicans after he was charged with using campaign donations for family vacations and medical expenses. The evidence was overwhelming.

He was then found guilty.

Never happened?

According to the article you provided, he was convicted in December and just sentenced. Was there an election between December and today?

has been sentenced to 11 months in prison after pleading guilty to a felony conspiracy charge in December.

Instead of making jokes and ignoring, speak with the experts to seek guidance in order to make the appropriate actions. Don’t get me wrong back then even the experts were dumbfounded, but at least have some concern, some empathy and sympathy for those involved.
His knee jerk reaction, “this is a gay disease…oh well”.

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Did you read my post?

He was re-elected by Republicans after he was charged with using campaign donations for family vacations and medical expenses. The evidence was overwhelming.

Nothing knee jerk about it. The two primary ways that AIDS was transmitted were through behaviors. It was known that homosexual behavior and drug addicts sharing needles was responsible for the overwhelming cases of the disease.

Ronald Reagan was not responsible for AIDS. Nothing he did or did not do, or said or did not say was going to alter the facts or course of that disease.

Its Florida, sounds like he is a man of the people.

Oh well, it was just a woman dying in a car wreck. Let’s elect him to the senate for 40 years!

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If you say one negative word about Trump;


Eat your peas.

Not even remotely true. :roll_eyes:

Did he do that?

Well if vehicular manslaughter isn’t a deal breaker, and is perhaps even a resume enhancer leading to a presidential run, I don’t know what is.

Hint: You are still missing who he was referring too.Deliberately probably.

Perhaps, perhaps not. But it doesn’t alter the fact that when one openly supports a lib like Trump, all credibility in calling anyone else a “lib” is immediately thrown out the window.

Those who consistently take liberal positions are generally liberals.

Just saying.

Funny - that’s what I just said. Glad we agree

Are you making an admission? Finally?