What does a politician have to do before being dumped by the people?

Need I remind you of Obama and the mess he made that Trump has had to clean up.

You LIBs keep pointing to conservative policies as crap, but refuse to acknowledge there are two sides. I happen to believe LIB policies as crap, so there you go. :wink:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I realize there are several people on this board, but I’ve been here long enough for people to know I’m not a lib, nor was I ever an Obama supporter.

This place cracks me up sometimes.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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A politician will be dumped when they become expendable.

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When one walks and talks like a LIB………….


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Similar thoughts here. :wink:

This is why it’s so important for Tom Hanks to have coronavirus.

When “important” people have concerns, the sheep sound off.

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Yep - and that’s just what Trump does. He’s even been a card carrying member of the Democratic party, something which I’ve never done.

News flash: he wasn’t referring to Trump. :wink:

Maybe, maybe not - but it certainly applies in his case.

  1. He’s been a democrat
  2. He spends like a drunken sailor
  3. He’s on record as wanting to “take the guns first and ask questions later.”
  4. He’s on record as wanting to cover everyone with health insurance, with the nanny state picking up the tab for those who can’t afford it.

I could go on and on- but you get the point

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I support your right to your opinions wrong though they are. :sunglasses:

No, Reagan just ignored AIDS until it was way too late.

He seems to have forgotten how Obama ignored the swine flu till a few thousand had died.

But then the left seems to have selective memory in that regard.

You may need to fact check the current president before you start parroting the things he say.

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Trump’s followers have wrapped their entire identities up with his. They’ll admit he’s wrong with about the same frequency they would admit they were wrong themselves. Which is never.

What did i parrot? My comments about Obama were based on memory not anything Trump said.

LOL! Now you’re being disingenuous.

Okay…maybe your memory need to be fact checked. :laughing:
How bout this, take off your partisan glasses and examine the entire timeline on how those things went down back in 2009/2010.

If this was Desantis, no lib would go off topic.

The only politician I’ve ever seen in diapers is a democrat, Al Franken.

Al diaper

Respecting diversity, gender and inclusion, they should have invited Katie Hill for a bit of hair brushing.