What do you view as the reasons why the public masks mandates were ostensibly not very effective?

early on, and no, not all at once. traveled with the virus.

sweden suggested social distancing from the beginning. no masks that i know of though.

Sweden did end up enacting restrictions eventually.

Oh, ok. You seemed to think Covid was not passed via aerosols yet the CDC lists it here. Whether the virus is carried by aerosol or aerosol itself is somewhat immaterial.

(1) inhalation of very fine respiratory droplets and aerosol particles

As to cloth masks stopping aerosol particles, I agree their efficacy would be greatly diminished. I think there were examples of church choirs singing even with masks and catching Covid from each other.

not immaterial. covid is not airborne.

The aerosols it rides on sometimes are. That’s what the CDC says.

yes, so they say. it may be, but i’m not convinced of that science because so far, it seems to be more conjecture than conclusion.

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To be fair, this is a brand new virus. People can get things wrong.

This is where I’m so bummed out that Trump didn’t do his thing…we would have been all better off.

Trump is such a charismatic salesperson…if he was fully ‘in’ on beating this ■■■■■■■ thing down, he would have explained to america that these were rolling changes as we learned more info…and stick with us on this and we’ll figure it out togheter, and what not…

It would have made a difference. Kept us all on the same page somewhat. And he would have won re-election…

Instead he wanted to close his eyes and make this thing go away.

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if you look at what he actually said in toto instead of snippets, he sort of did. he did however lay way to much emphasis on any possible good news and did not emphasize enough what we could do on our own. I fault him for some of it, and I fault him for falling into the politicization of it the left glorified in.

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documented conjecture.

these are reports of isolated incidents where they assume that the people are being honest and that the people not only wore the mask properly, but didn’t touch it thereby leaving you with one possibility… aerosol.

I won’t make that assumption.

So you’re willing to give up rights for prior restraint?

Isn’t “draconian” in the eye of the beholder?

I can justify anything with that logic.

You get to force me because of them?

We don’t. You want a guarantee, buy a toaster.

Thank you.

limited warranty… for the toaster

Restaurants and bars next to nothing.

They just replace it.

Everything is conjecture informed by statistics and probability. You are assuming a method of transmission as well since we can never be 100% sure.

Right to do what , commit murder and theft ? Gladly give those up.

I can expand and say that when I say draconian I mean indefinite lockdowns where restaurants only do take out, public transit is severely limited in capacity, stores are limited in hours and capacity and even parks are policed and shut down when authorities believe too many people are present.

Force you to do what ? Not host parties of 100+ people ? Would you be doing that ?
Again, this is like the whether or not we should abolish law enforcement. Poster I was replying to here said that he is more than capable of following the rules without there being a mandate. In this case, they wouldn’t be the least bit affected.

Right to due process.