What do you view as the reasons why the public masks mandates were ostensibly not very effective?

i’m not assuming anything, we know for a fact its droplet based. assuming these aerosol qualities is conjecture based on anecdote.

Policing doesn’t exclude due process, does it ?

I have a different definition of “draconian”.

To do anything. Yes, for example. If I decide to.

Oh no, you don’t get to do that. You don’t get to prior restraint me.

Sure. It’s supposed to.

Err , anything, eh ? :wink:

Yes. You don’t get to punish me before I commit a crime. That is a basic tenet of US jurisprudence.

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who’s trying to punish you before you commit a crime ? I don’t get it.

You are assuming cause of transmission in every infection. You have no way of knowing if their brother gave them Covid at the BBQ or if it was some other person they walked by in the grocery store earlier that day. Everything is assumed with probabilities in mind.

So when 85% of a choir gets Covid days after a two hour practice, it is probable that they got it from someone there. It is similarly probable that they did not all transmit cough droplets on everyone or that they didn’t all wear their mask properly or are being dishonest.

That’s what prior restraint is.

not buying it.


Look, I’m no trump fan, but just think…if he was on board with doing what we had to do to stop the spread…I think he could have made a huge impact.

Emphasis the good…exactly - imagine if he was like ‘look, this thing is very real, and is very dangerous, and deadly, but we can affect our destiny here - let’s mask up, distance, do our thing, and get to eh other side, together!’

That would have been emphasizing the good - the power we had as a people.

Jeez, what a difference that would have made.

I was initially surprised he dint’ go this ‘war president’ route which would have been so much better for everyone, including him. But upon reflection, I realize that is just not him.

You didn’t “stop the spread”.


And how does that apply here ?

I already explained that.

Sorry it’s been a long day and I’ve been multi-tasking so maybe something is getting lost in translation but just to clarify, I am not advocating that anybody be punished before they do anything.

That’s exactly what happened.

i know this is gonna be hard for you, but the simple fact is trump did exactly what he should have emphasizing that mask mandates were up to governors and that governors should follow the cdc recommendations when and where appropriate. there was no reason for people in TN to mask up because NY had a lot of cases. in hindsight, perhaps the cdc should have looked at things more regionally than state by state? maybe when NY had a problem NY and states bordering NY should have all masked up. Maybe, everyone north of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi? what the left was clamoring for was for the entire country to do it (and lock down) and there was no reason for that except politics. Further, it wasn’t Trump who made masks an issue, it was the virtue signalling left, what Trump made an issue was the irrational and inconsequential lock downs that not only achieved nothing, but made the fake cure worse than the disease. Did NY need to lock down? Yes, the city did. Other large metros likely did too. Outside of that, there was no reason to lock down just about anywhere. The rest of the nation would have been perfectly fine just following the guidance to socially distance, avoid large gatherings, and, where and when appropriate, mask.


Governor Murphy did all that and NJ’s case counts stats were basically the same as Georgia and NC, both red states.

unfortunately, atlanta metro and charlotte/raliegh-durham have made ga and nc a bit more purple-y

Virtually identical? That’s a hot one.

Lifetime cases

9,583 per 100,000 or 10,170 per 100,000

Lifetime deaths

160 per 100,000 or 178 per 100,000

Which is California? Which is Texas?

I will give you a nickel from my pocket if you can guess.
