What do you view as the main reason for the surge in worldwide Coronavirus case counts?

Yes, there is no immunity other than that naturally developed by contracting and recovering from the virus. (Anecdotally, there are reports of people getting it twice, but it hasn’t been confirmed that both episodes were the same virus) Even a vaccine is not an absolute preventive - I’m sure we’ve all known people who got the flu shot and still got the flu.
As far as a surge, I think there is a distinction between new cases - an increase in the number of people contracting the virus - and newly identified cases, the number of people with the virus. There are also reports of false positives (and negatives.)

Maybe masks don’t work as well as advertised and people are being risk tolerant because of them.


The greatest obstacle to the globalust agenda is D J Trump.

The best hail Mary hope of the globalusts to get him out of their way is to blame Trump for all the negative effects in the US of the Covid19 release by China, and to keep the Pandemic fear heightened in the minds of US voters.

The Pandemic will get worse, and worse, and worse… worldwide… Until election day is over.

I wouldn’t be surprised if even international news media start to report concerning spread in New Zealand and Australia.

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Testing and interpretation.

It could be argued that the waves are typical baseline variance and will continue along this line.

What do you view as the main reason for the surge in worldwide Coronavirus case counts?

No automatic national plan. No automatic global plan.

I see the main reason to be a virus for which there is no vaccine available and that doesn’t want to be contained.

I will end the virus. With masks.

General question. Does the “nothing can stop it” position apply to China?

It is commonly said that they could have stopped it very easily and are therefore responsible for the spread.

I am not trying to be a China defender but if in fact the virus jumped from animal to human and by the time they detected it cases numbered in the several thousand. And it is not stoppable. Then damage claims against China become limited to the case that they engineered it on purpose or released on accident through negligent lab practices.

There is something inconsistent between nothing can be done to stop it and china is totally to blame for not stopping it.

Covering it up and delaying the worlds prep time is a big strike against them though.

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No, they couldn’t. Could China have kept it in China? Could China not have lied about it?

I certainly think they lied about it. They lie and manipulate all information as it suits them. Including internally.

I’m only a lay person but I doubt this could have been contained. Perhaps at the very very beginning with full action.

So imagining a world court adjudicating the claim against China I am thinking they get out of the 100% responsible judgement and get a punitive bad behavior judgement instead.

China also cut us off from PPE and sold us garbage.

Nobody is going to “ajudicate” China.

It was an just allegory to frame the question of how fully they were responsible.

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I think people are adapting to it and I think a lot of people aren’t buying this “Trump killed 200k” thing. Anybody with an ounce of common sense knows it’s ridiculous.

They know the media blew it up.

The climate change hoax isn’t going to fly either.


20 posts were merged into an existing topic: China Trade Policy - Where Do We Go From Here?

Autumn. Second wave was expected.

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People who believe one conspiracy theory are more likely to embrace others.

If the sheep reference is to highlight New Zealand’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic; you are certainly correct the world would be in a far better position now.

Turns out it was Borat.

Both NZ and Australia have responded well and effectively to spikes of COVID-19.

Trump’s plan isn’t working. It’s time for a new plan.