What do You Think About a De Santis / Carol Swain Ticket instead of Trump?

Yes, it is a deflection. It’s a dereliction of things they can actually control and choose not to.

[quote=“SneakySFDude, post:68, topic:240225, full:true”]

There you go. Larry Elder was a politician running for governor who had positions I think are insane.

This is literally just some lady who said something you liked. She couldn’t get elected dog catcher. Twice. But because she’s black, you love her. VP! President! Sky’s the limit.

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Sort of reminds one of Biden and border security.

That’s the way it always works. Same here with the Washingtonians escaping Inslee and his ■■■■■■■■ last year. On the one hand they are praising him for his actions, mandates and lockdowns while they are streaming across the border for some freedom from those very things.

■■■■■■■■■ You love this crap so much stay in your state and live what you want others to adhere to. Oh wait, I forgot how this works. Rules for thee but not for me libs in that state and others.

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Trump/Santos because Trump only has one term left anyway.


And that doesn’t absolve R governors of deflecting every time they whine about the border and shrugging while they tie the hands of local governments from doing anything about covid.

She might explain some things about racism that some folks don’t want to hear


A real leader instead of a person playing politics to the hilt…Yes.

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That’s exactly what is happening.

The media and Biden are going after DeSantis because they consider him a threat in 2024.

Simple as that.


I love her because she said some things I like.

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No, Pence can’t get the nomination

So…you fear him as a candidate huh? :rofl:

Agreed. Pence hitched his wagon to the wrong train.

Yeah… :rofl: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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YOU would take it if you got covid.

Yeah he does…in RED states…

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Anyhow, it really IS why the democrats put in Harris, even though she’s a complete air head.

On the other hand, Swain is very intelligent.

Yeah, I am skeptical of that claim myself.

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Ummmmm…we do tend to run people who agree with us…YUP!

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