What do we do about these people?

Mentally ill people such as paranoid schizophrenics. They are obviously in desperate need of help and may be dangerous to themselves or others. But their condition prevents them from seeking help. They don’t trust doctors or pharma thinking they are out to get them and control their minds. So they go about their lives thinking everyone is spying on them or trying to destroy them until they finally crack and and do something crazy or violent. Millions of untreated loose cannons waiting to go off. And sometimes they do. So what is the answer?

My nephew has schizophrenia and there needs to be far more resources to enable society to identify and treat them.

Luckily my nephew has an amazing support system with his dad but many are not so lucky.

My brother shared some of his sons writings with me and they were truly bizarre as well as incredibly sad.

Can you post a link that more elaborately describes the basis for this thread? Thank you in advance.

back in the seventies (and earlier) they all were supposedly housed in public mental health hospitals… too much government funded abuse and they closed the hospitals… now they live under the bridge…

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There’s over 330 million people in this country, and one would think that everyone can agree on the fact that it’s bad to eat people.

One would think, right…?

There is nothing any of us could possibly conceive that 330 million people would agree to/with.

There is no “solution”, other than minding one’s own business and keeping oneself safe from the crazies.

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Right. But many don’t want support. They want their delusions validated. They’re out there. untreated and dangerous to themselves and others. I don’t what the answer is. Maybe there isn’t one.

Unless the crazy is a brother, sister, mother, father wife or husband. Then it gets a little more personal. Nobody, not even you would write of a loved one.

AND just because you don’t have a solution doesn’t mean there isn’t one. Right?

Yes I have. :rofl:

No. It’s from my own observations. I didn’t read it on the interweb. You’re welcome.

Wow. Why would you write off an ill loved one? Not many people would do that. Would you do it if they had cancer?

I write off stupid people. Blood relation is a moronic excuse for people afraid to be alone. :wink:


You don’t have one either. Neither does anyone else. Difference is, I know why. :wink:

Give them a MAGA hat and send them to the polls!

I’d bet smart people write you off first. Since you’re so smart you must understand that the brain is an organ just like any other and if it’s not correctly balanced it will not function correctly. No different than cancer or any other ailment. Do your family members know that if they ever have a traumatic brain injury from an auto accident or combat related wound that you will immediately dump them?

You talk about how bright you are. But your words reflect ignorance and selfishness.

Your words are both ignorant and arrogant though. :wink:

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You failed to answer my question.

Do your family members know that if they ever have a traumatic brain injury from an auto accident or combat related wound that you will immediately dump them?

Your assumption that you’re even man enough to ask me about my family is both arrogant and ignorant.

The triggered tantrum your throwing is just funny. It’s like that silly fit thrown over the ■■■■■ who got his ass whooped by the kickboxer in that bar. :wink:

It wasn’t an assumption. It was based on what you said about people with brain injuries. And you still haven’t replied. Calm down. This is why you don’t get invited to parties.

It was a dumbass assumption on your part. :wink:

You talking about that chick Joe Schilling smacked through the floor for running his mouth? Kid went limp dish rag, no more jawing. :rofl:

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