What do we do about these people?

My uncle doesn’t get invited to parties. That’s what happens when you’re schizophrenic and don’t take your lithium.

To that drunken idiot’s credit, even Joe Rogan called him a bitch. :rofl:

Hey, I don’t take lithium! :rofl:

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We had a huge mental hospital in the California Bay Area called Agnews State Hospital. When it was announced that it was going to be shut down Ronald Reagan was Governor. And he got a lot of blame although the plan had been in place many years before he took office.

I’ve had to also. It’s sad, but necessary.

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Sometimes that person leaves you no choice. It’s either cut them off or they will drag you down with them.

Tell them the 4 years will pass quicker than they think. Before you know it, Trump will be out. They can go back to their normal lifestyle.

The attack on state run nut house’s was led by Hollywood with the Movie " One flew over the coocoo’s nest. Old Nurse Cratchet was so evil. KInd of like “China syndrome” attacking nuke power.


the old state run hospitals were atrocious.


Nah. That wasn’t a commentary on state run hospitals. It was a book about being a freak in a square world.

I have a family member with mental illness. As heartbreaking as it is, I’ve had to sever almost all ties, as has the rest of the family. Perhaps you should experience what that’s like to make judgements about how family members react.

How do you deal with a loved one, in a bout of mental illness, posts threats to “shoot you on sight without hesitation” if you get anywhere near them? How do you handle a phone call at 11 pm from a distraught relative telling you your loved ones house is surrounded by a SWAT team because they made a phone call to the police department claiming they had just shot two police officers dead in the front yard? These and many other incidents over a couple year period…

What you don’t or more likely can’t understand is that mental illness doesn’t just affect the person, but literally potentially every person they come in contact with on a day to day basis. This epidemic of mental illness is a symptom of the general decline in our society as a whole. The root cause, or causes, is exactly the same that causes every other problem we deal with as a society, most notably the breakdown of the nuclear family and the belief in absolute standards of right and wrong and a tolerance and promotion of the idea that we all should have the freedom to do what we choose with no judgement or penalty from any other person or society.

Yes, there can be instances where a traumatic brain injury brings on sudden changes in a persons thoughts and behavior, but for the vast majority of mentally ill, the problem is caused by other factors- perhaps some beyond the control of the afflicted, but most as a result of personal choices they make that affect their brain over long periods of time. Drugs and alcohol are also huge contributing factors.

There is no easy answer, but even for those who want and seek treatment the fact is there aren’t enough resources in terms of beds, doctors and facilities to treat them.

I was contacted by the county prosecutor asking if I would testify against my loved one because the posted threats were against me. I asked what would happen if I did. I was told that more than likely jail time precisely because there were no openings in any facilities for long term treatment. I told the prosecutor my loved one needs treatment, not jail, but those were my choices. Jail wouldn’t help and would have my relative locked up in an institution that’s not geared to help, OR let them go home with a supply of medications and told as long as they aren’t doing anything dangerous to themselves or others, there wasn’t much else the system could do.

My relative fortunately has a run down house that’s paid for and a small SS check to pay for needs, but lives like a hermit in a mound of garbage and does little but posting insane rants on social media ( and for those of you who think my rants are insane, I assure you they are quite coherent and benign by comparison)

I’m don’t know what to do, but I’ve had to accept that I am not responsible for their illness or behavior and my love and brokenheart doesn’t obligate me to put my life, or my families lives, in danger by trying to " help" someone who is beyond my help. So I do the only thing I can which is to lift my loved one up in prayer daily and pleading that the same Loving Savior who took hold of me when I was in need and broken by sin, will get ahold of my loved one and lift them up and out of their illness too.

God is in the miracle business and prayer is a powerful tool he has given us all to use in time of need. Perhaps if society would return to belief in and acknowledging who he is and what he did on the cross and would humble themselves by getting down on their knees and pleading for not only forgiveness for themselves but for grace and mercy for their lost ones, we would see some of the great miracles of healing that were done in the Old Testament.

I’m not holding my breath for any great revival in America, but who knows? The God haters have been kicked out of power for the next 4 years. Maybe he’s giving us one more chance…


The God haters will be back in power in 2028. They won’t have that same path in 2032.

You made a long post very easy to read. Few have that talent. Even though it was depressing. Because I know that situation.

Thank you. I really believe that the removal of God from our lives both public and private is the root cause of all our problems. Unfortunately, I don’t always practice what I preach, but my observation and experience is that we are infinitely better off believing in God and living the way he would have us to than living without him. When every individual wants to be their own God, society will eventually collapse due to corruption. The explosion in our problems is evidence of this. At least to me.

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Not necessarily.

I could be wrong, but do we not repeat the electoral map in 2028? Then change it after the 2030 census? Then 2032 would reflect that change? The rust belt are solid blue states. They voted for Trump only. A pro union Democrat will easily take back those states.

I wouldn’t count on it.

If Trump has a good term then Vance would have an excellent chance i believe.

Unions aren’t the be all and end all of voter concerns nor should they be.

Besides if Trump follows thru on mass deportations that will help unions.

Less illegals to lower/undercut the prevailing wages or even compete with them for jobs with some companies.

The 80s was the last time those states went red. They’re blue states. They’re not turning any redder, they just voted for Trump because they believed he was for the working class. That’s what Biden was seen as.

One of the reasons I thought Harris would lose the election is because I knew she would underperform Biden to some extent. That means she can’t win NC, GA, and AZ. You don’t think Vance will underperform Trump? I do.

If Trump has a good term Vance would have an excellent chance to win.

He doesn’t have to win all 3 of those states anyway.

They were saying preelection that if he won just 1 of them he had a good chance.

I know it’s still 6 years away. I found this projection interesting. If it’s accurate, the democrats will not have the same path to 270 in 2032. That projected path with the rust belt that got them 270, would now be 251. But that’s 8 years away. A lot can happen. Most of us should be driving EVs and living in 15 minute cities by then.

That’s my point. What do we do with people who are seriously ill, untreated and possibly dangerous?