What do non-boat owners make of these boat parades supporting Trump?

The boat parades make perfect sense when you realize that a Trump parade on land would be harassed and/or violently attacked. The water is much safer from Antifa mobs.

I think they should respect no-wake zones.

Agreed, thank goodness no one here was reported to be hurt or worse in “no-wake” zones.

Check out boating deaths and accidents are trending down in America according to this article:

Number of deaths / injuries directly linked to boating accidents in the U.S. 2018

Published by S. Lock, Oct 1, 2019

In the United States, 633 people died as a result of boating accidents and 2,511 people were injured in 2018. Over the past 16 years, this figure decreased by over one and a half thousand. Compared to the previous year, the number of deaths and injuries directly linked to boating accidents declined by approximately 150 people.

I likewise wish the sudden “wave” of violence across America on land will subside too…

“White people with excessive disposable incomes who are still mad at everything for Trump.”

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Envy is one of the seven deadly sins ya know…

Dumb Trump supporters! Wasting their own money to make a political statement! To dumb to realise they could be Democrats and be busy wasting other people’s money to make political statements. Dumb Trump supporters!

I know this is a difficult concept - but there is more to this world than Republicans and Democrats.

There’s a whole world out there to enjoy. Try it sometime!

Make America Moat Again. I like it.

Better stay out of Canada unless they wanna go to jail for six months.

Is this some random thought or is it in response to something?

punishment for entering Canadian waters for U.S vessels is currently six month in jail.


Canadians (20.72 mil) prefer to visit the USA in much greater numbers than Americans (13.25 mil) wish to visit Canada.
2019 numbers. Just saying.

We live in Igloos, we want to see houses.

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Igloos are racist.

I can’t imagine being in a parade for any President unless I was back in the military. Kind of borders on idol worship. I wonder whats going through these peoples minds as they’re parading around. Funny thing is…Trump would screw over anyone one of those boaters in a second if they had land he wanted for a hotel etc…

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I’m curious…What does one get out of participating in one of these…or any kinda of rally?

Just a common sense of purpose I suppose. Not much different than say a BLM rally…joining like minded americans to express your shared interest or concern…

What I find unusual is the boating aspect of it…it’s literally a bunch of people who own weekend houses near the water and mostly larger - and therefor expensive - boats deciding to spend their time boating in support of the president…I don’t know…the boating part is funny to me.

The same the left gets out of burning down black owned businesses, except its legal and not racist.


I don’t own a house on the lake, I’m there most every weekend from mother’s day until early October. My boat was $5,000. It’s not the rich man’s game you’re making it out to be.

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