What did you think when you found out no officer was killed with a fire extinguisher?

Has that guy been arrested? Do you even know his name? Background info…on line social network?

Otherwise you’re assuming…and you know what they say about that.

And the answer always is…Prove it wasn’t a lib, globalist, Antifa…etc. The default setting is, its never Cons, always libs etc unless proven otherwise. .

The person in question being a crazed violent Trump insurrectionist is a safe one to make.

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Why does BLM saying they disavow the guy matter?

How many times do we hear how the KKK is right wing extremism even though everyone and their dog disavows them?

He’s a BLM supporter. Their stance on him is irrelevant. One standard.

The FBI shot her?

Said no one on this forum. Stop.

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capitol police shot her to protect the Congressman on the other side of the door.

Bad analogy.

BLM is saying he is not with them. That would be like KKK saying Trump isn’t one of them.

Not a kid in a park. Stop.

Now you have a choice to make.

Sorry. He’s one of yours.

It’s a larger group denying a smaller sect that supports them is their problem.

Like Kyle Chapman and the Proud Boys?

Now you have a choice.

Mod Note

A choice to stop arguing fabricated accusations against members of this forum, aka trolling to agitate. Or the consequences.

Sounds like a solid case there.

This kind of thing never blows up in libs faces.

Run with it.

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Okay you got us. What violent imsurrection? January 6th was totally a peaceful display of patriotism and nothing to be concerned about.

What the actual ■■■■

The same as I have for a long time. The media has evolved into a weapon of the Democrat party to perpetuate their agendas by dividing this nation and feeding garbage to those that will eat it and pass it along in their circles of influence. Pelosi used this to initiate her bull feces 2nd impeachment. The MSM is truly, without question…evolved into an enemy of we the people.

Is that what they’re using in Portland and Seattle?

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Killed with bear spray.