What did you think when you found out no officer was killed with a fire extinguisher?

"And while we do not have the autopsy results yet, sources have advised that there are no indications that Officer Sicknick sustained blunt force trauma. This coincides with what his family said just days after his death, indicating that they believed he may have died from a medical condition.


It was fake news. You Have to wait months to find out the truth these days. Sometimes years like Russian collusion. It was fake news.

Those that follow the drive by media still don’t know. :roll_eyes:


Some people love being lied too,


I feel much better knowing that his murder was probably commited using bear spray instead of a fire extinguisher


He’s dead and wouldn’t be if it weren’t for Trump supporters.

How about the cops who were getting the ■■■■ beat out of em with American flag poles.

Back the blue lol. Back then as long as they’re killing the people Republicans hate.


“This coincides with what his family said just days after his death, indicating that they believed he may have died from a medical condition.”

They were also beaten with blue lives matter flags

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I don’t think you have ever linked one of your stories as back up as long as I’ve seen you post.

at least you know you were fooled again by fake news.

Will this do?

Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn said that pro-Trump rioters shouted racial slurs at him and beat other officers with Blue Lives Matter flags during the insurrection that left five people dead and led to the second impeachment of the former president

Tee hee! Liberal media!

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Good to know that throwing that fire extinguisher didn’t kill anybody. Totally a peaceful heave of the fire extinguisher into the crowd.

Fire prevention is not something to take lightly

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Look at those goalposts move! :rofl:


Look, we are happy that the officer didn’t die from the fire extinguisher. Does that somehow make everything better in your eyes?

Trump supporters gave him a medical condition.

Cop on cop violence is always bad.

Neither side appears willing to back down.

Only a few of the Trump supporters who engaged in terrorism on January 6th were cops.

All it takes is one John Sullivan.


To spoil the soup.

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He should also have the book thrown at him right along with the hundreds of Trump supporting terrorists


everything everyone thinks they know from idiot news is total ■■■■■■■■