What demonstrable evidence is there that Democrat policies are better for the middle class?

Do you want to explain to move the discussion along or just going to do short opinions not backed up by anything?

First, during 6 years of Obama’s eight year term in office the Republican’s controlled Congress. Second, could you please specify the policies implemented that positively impacted the majority of middle class households? Third, could you deal with the CA example in the OP?

What does that mean? Importing as many impoverished citizens from Central and South America, and from all over the world as possible? They would represent the bottom, right?

A rising tide lifts all boats.

The “government” is nothing without a strong private sector economy. That’s why all can’t simply make all their citizens lives wonderful.

The ACA helped some in the middle class and hurt some.

Correct, it’s a balancing act. Leave the things of state to the state and vice versa. The private sector has been trying too much to take over the government’s role the last 50 years.

A strong private sector can’t happen without an effective government.

It’s a virtuous cycle.

Just like why trickle down doesn’t work…because the idea that the wealthy create jobs is a myth.

A virtuous cycle creates jobs.


Never said they were.

Evidence they are better for middle class? :thinking: There is none!

Excellent point! Unstable governments do not bode well for economic stability.

Demonstration cartridge?

Have you seen anything in this thread addressing my OP?

Not much.

Are Democrats anti union like Republicans are?

Designed intentionally? Like they’re conspiring to crush economic growth and the middle class?

Just trying? I would say they’ve had massive success. They own most of the politicians in Washington

Really? Exactly what policies are governing CA?

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I assume a very liberal state like CA must be utilizing this bottom up approach, right?

do you think the FBI gets their crime stats from the local news?