What Are We Doing To White People?

Really struck home, huh?

Says who?

He doesn’t need me to save him. You need me to educate you.

The education of you flouncing around with one word out of context posts or spamming “honesty watch”

Oh please show me your ways :rofl:

Well, in that respect you nailed it. Some forms of slavery apparently are acceptable to some, while other forms are not, like the Brits who engaged in human trafficking and brought slavery to our continent before the United States was formed.

Please find Honesty.

Why limit the scope? Does that make it easier for you to feel the victim?

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Have you spoken out against Biden’s human trafficking slavery taking place at our border?

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Wait a min…

Are you saying we can’t criticize the US because other countries or nations have done the same thing?

Apartheid happened in South Africa so therefore we can’t talk about Jim Crow in the US?


Our government is not participating in human trafficking. That’s a slap in the face of our men and women who attempt to eradicate human trafficking daily.

Of course you can criticize what happened in America’s past. But didn’t pretend that only Blacks were held as slaves.


Tell me again…

How many countries in Africa are selling black slaves on an open market, in broad daylight, right this very moment? Was it only 5 or 6? I lost count. :thinking:


The slap in the face is the Biden Administration interfering with our Border Agents who are trying to protect our border, which in turn allows the human trafficking to continue and flourish.

Let’s find some honesty here.


In the US?

I don’t disagree with the concept of being vigilant. One must always be vigilant in a Republic, lest we get apathetic and see fascism rise.

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That’s not very convenient to the idea that white people are to blame for slavery.



She’s absolutely right. There’s always fascist libs out there trying to chip away at people’s inherent right to self-defense. Those types are far more dangerous to us than a mass shooter ever was.

Always remain vigilant.


I agree, it really does suck that African black people are still, to this day (centuries later), the primary people perpetuating black slavery.

America should apologize for that or something. :man_shrugging:

Well, white Americans at least.

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