What are the dangers of coming out of the closet?

And at taxpayer expense!


Imagine it - 63 million voters unified as one, coming out of the closet to stand against hatred. And that doesn’t even count the additional millions who realized how good Donald is after the election and decided he was worthy of their support and adoration!

Why do we allow this tiny vocal fringe leftist hateful minority to keep us silent and cowed?

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Holy ■■■■ is this ever wrong.

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You’re saying this on a board on which people regularly post bigotry against sexual orientation.

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After. It’s my last thing. It’s great cardio. I call my heavy bag work Cardi A. And my stair climber Cardi B. :laughing:

Bye, I can’t fiddle fart around anymore. CYA!

So what? Posting opinions hurts nobody. Physical assaults, shootings and boycotts do.

Fiddle farting never made anyone fit enough to bust out of closets. Go you!

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So if we are to give support of trump the same respect we give sexual orientation here on this board, we should call supporting trump a deviance from nature, a sinful choice, an insult to god.


You are free to argue that way, if you want. No Trump supporter is going to be calling for that foolish opinion to be censored.

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This thread is based on a conservative whining about that very thing!

Where is the OP calling for censorship of the opinion that Trump support is against nature?

The OP is merely pointing out the real truth that there is a large silent majority that is terrified of speaking openly about their love for Donald because a hateful minority could damage their signs, hats, cars, careers, and relationships. We won’t even mention the outright violence against them should they risk declaring their political orientation. Since 2016 no other group has been so mercilessly persecuted by the tyranny of the minority, all with the full support and consent of the establishment and its vile media.

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Trump opponents like to claim they love the supporter but hate the ideology. They disregard the simple truth that the ideology is an inherent aspect of the silent majority’s very being.

I barely talk about politics IRL anymore because people forget they’re not on Facebook and get totally ■■■■■■■ reckless and then I might have to bust their ass in the street and spend the night in the cooler and I’m too old for that ■■■■■

Or maybe just take up cross stitching or something my guy.

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I’m down with that.

Easy for you to talk tough, you’re not a member of the persecuted majority.

Don’t worry, it’s not just Trump people, it’s the liberals too. Everyone has lost their minds. Unless you’re signing my paycheck or sharing my bed, you’re not allowed to disrespect me to my face and not face consequences.