What are the biggest advantages/disadvantages…

They are less stressed overall which foes with what your saying.

Who are less stressed?

Its not just that… it is that we are born into a sin that we did not commit.

Pretty raw deal.

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We are not born with human nature?

That’s not a sin.

Were adam and eve humans before they sinned?

I would note first that I am talking of suicide, not assisted suicide.

I have seen extended family and friends dealing with Alzheimer’s and other diseases. I have seen the horrendous effect on the family.

If Alzheimer’s be my fate, my wife/family will NOT deal with this. They will have only my quick death to deal with, not the pure hell of being caretakers and watching me die bit by bit. A viewpoint that we have long since discussed and all concur in, btw.

If there is a separate spirit/soul, there may be an appropriate time to set it free of a failing body.

No. That God created man to be born into sin.

A sin that all but two did not commit.

It would have been nice if he just didnt plant that darn tree

Then to what sin are you referring?

Original sin does not exist.


I’m assuming you mean "…of being an atheist? of being a person of faith in a Creator?

Athiesm has no logically coherent answers to:

" What is the meaning of life? What am I living for? and why am I living for that? How can I be satisfied in a world that is constantly taking away the things I appreciate? What is true freedom? and can I be truly free? Who and what is my identity? Do I have any value? What kind of self do I need to be to live in harmony with others? Is there hope for me? What is morally good and bad? Do humans have rights? Or do they only have privileges bestowed upon them by their human overlords?

The existence of human needs for meaning, contentment, freedom, identity, value, hope, a clean conscience, and justice and how these may be achieved are explained coherently in the Christian faith. Atheism has no coherent explanation for these needs and their fulfilment.

Why should atheism have to give answers to any of this? Atheism is not a philosophy of life, it merely is a lack of belief in god(s). Nothing more.

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Because even atheists ask these questions and hunger and thirst for these in their lives.

That some atheists ask these questions does not mean that atheism should have the answers. It’s like expecting disbelievers in Santa to answer your questions.

I do expect disbelievers in Santa to answer the same questions. Any worldview needs to answer these sorts of fundamental questions that issue from the human condition. The worldview which does the best job of that is the most worthy of adherents.

Atheism is not a worldview.

Most people that are Atheist are empty in life. They’re trying to fill that empty void with things. Weather it’s drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, or any other addiction, because they’re searching for answers, but get none, because those things are only temporary answers without a permanent Solution.

People of faith are fulfilled, because they have Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior. It fills that empty void in life, and they become the person they want to be, and they find answers in life.

That’s why the Democrat Media, and Democrat Politicians go after people that don’t believe in God. Because they’re easy prey! and vulnerable.



Sounds like a popularity contest and not truth.