What are Biden's accomplishments?

Well to make up for less blacks in the street he more than made up with getting illegals on our streets to make up the difference.

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Learning about roaches and kids jumping in his lap?



There were numerous other laws that Biden passed that destroyed fathers.
This is why we have over 70% plus of fathers in the inner-city missing…
It’s not because they’re running away from the responsibilities that the media pushes…
The reason is many are dead, broken, in jail, hiding … Just to name a few…
The father’s rights movement of the past, before it was totally destroyed by the radical communists feminists and their allies and government.
We know who Biden is for decades and decades.
A lot of the voting records are now missing.


Destroyed fathers and families in our inner-cities with 1975 Child Support laws, then in 1985 The Bradley Amendment [42.U.S.C. 666] Laws, which resulted in millions of lives destroyed in so many ways…just to name a few…
The destruction of black families started in 1966 with LBJ great new society, this is where it began…
If interested on the impact of the destruction of Blacks and Latinos fathers in the inner-city…
Here’s a little 101…
on standyourground .com /forum (history section)
The Bradley Amendment [42.U.S.C. 666]


Wasn’t he also involved in getting Asset Forfeiture Laws on the books?

He was instrumental in ensuring that Kenyan and Etheopian immigrants could get a job at 7/11 by shining a light on their pro Indian racism.

Got 1,000,000 more Americans to buy Obamacare in his first 3 months as president

A solid accomplishment.

More insured citizens.


:rofl: Amazing. You think unemployment might have something to do with it?


I agree with his claim about one amazing accomplishment that he achieved even before he took office:

Joe pushed for it. Trump did not.


Pushed for what?

People to enroll in Obamacare, joe opened it up to new enrollees.

And he got 1,000,000 more insured citizens.

Good for Joe.



Not everything he has done is bad for the nation.

This was a good thing.


Good for Nationwide Inc.

Good gosh, this is the most divisive President in history.

“But, today, I’m about to sign two executive orders that are – basically, the best way to describe them, to undo the damage Trump has done,” Biden said Thursday"

Damage Trump has done? What, by having the normal November/December enrollment for the next year?


Trump didn’t do it. Biden did.

See the difference.

People suffering

Trump: election fraud.

Biden: let’s make Obamacare better and get more people enrolled.


Grandpa sneaking treats to the kids…
not so impressive.

1,000,000 kids.



This IS impressive…getting the press to turn into quote lambs after being accosta tigers with the former admin.

If you’ve read a quote from an administration official in a newspaper or a wire story recently, there’s a good chance that the White House communications team had an opportunity to edit it first.

That’s because the Biden White House frequently demands that interviews with administration officials be conducted on grounds known colloquially as “background with quote approval,” according to five reporters who cover the White House for outlets other than POLITICO.

In practice, that means the information from an interview can be used in the story, but in order for the person’s name to be attached to a quote, the reporter must transcribe the quotes they want and then send them to the communications team to approve, veto or edit them.

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