What are all the negative impacts of going green? Let's list them all here

Growing up in the Southwest in the 90’s, I always assumed wind farms were the norm throughout the country. :man_shrugging:

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You see the switch?

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I always assumed that wind farms were why it’s so windy in that area. :wink:

Get your ass out of my republic!

Thanks Trump

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Here’s another one nobody thought of.

The amazing, collapsing, wind turbine. :rofl:


Not necessarily a negative impact here.

But my guess is that the stated attempt to go green (reduce plastic) will simply result in consumers using their own zip lock bag instead of the one that will no longer be included in the Shake n Bake packaging.

Bottom line is that it will only change the bottom line (lower packaging cost) for Kraft Foods.

The largest plan to produce industrial waste and industrial blight in the history of the world.

And forcing EV’s on Americans seems like a plan to make China the world leader in the automotive industry. Not surprising considering all the money the bidens make off china…

Symbolic eco posturing is so stupid. We probably wouldn’t be in this plastic wrap problem if eco nuts hadn’t tried to do away with paper.

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I wonder if we can send the greenies to live in the crap they created?

Similar to the single use plastic bag ban in NJ. I just bought 1500 of them on Amazon for 20 bucks.

Hope you live in a warm climate.

Well, there went that idea.

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From your link:

But there’s one thing that the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) – the agency tasked with facilitating these projects on public land – doesn’t seem to have fully taken into account: the desert isn’t quite as empty as it thought. It might look like a barren wilderness, but this stretch of the Mojave is a rich and fragile habitat for endangered species and home to thousand-year-old carbon-capturing woodlands, ancient Indigenous cultural sites – and hundreds of people’s homes.

I was wondering why there weren’t any pictures of the community we’re supposed to be reading about in that article. Seemed like a suspicious omission at first.

But now I understand. It’s impossible to take their environmental concerns seriously after looking at what they’ve already done to the area.

A 14-acre manmade lake with a 3/4 mile paved path around its perimeter is adjacent to the park where members and guests can fish, kayak, paddleboard, or take a walk or jog.

Wait, the actual lake is artificial too? I guess these people suddenly discovered environmentalism when their desert golf course resort started to lose property value.


You know, if it wasn’t for the Red beneath a veneer of green there probably wouldn’t be nearly as many drawbacks.




Eagle lives mattered … then windmills.