What anti semitism also looks like

What they are really angry about imo is that when he bought twitter he lifted the censure of Trump.

That’s it in a nutshell.

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Oh I get it. I definitely know Rob Reiner and Barbara Streisand don’t speak for you! :rofl:
A Jewish buddy of mine in the army explained it to me when I had some confusion about what “Jewish” meant. I had been brought up to believe it was a religion but atheists like Marx confused me. My buddy explained that Jews are a tribe, not a religion, and they can be atheists, Christians, etc.


They are the descendents of Israel’s (Jacob) son Judah. Judah was one of the 11 sons who, with their father and their families and possessions, joined Joseph in Egypt. When Moses led them out of capitivity in Egypt, Judah’s descendents had grown to be a tribe mighty in numbers among the combined descendents of Israel (Jacob).

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Well, the 2024 version of the shadow campaign is doubtless underway by now. Other than prosecuting the opposition, what better way to preserve democracy than blocking media outlets that they might use?


Maybe Trump just sucks?

Blocking! Who is forcing Mr Musk to spout dumb things that is costing him advertisers
How do you guys manage to convert a man saying a stupid thing into your own personal victimhood :person_facepalming:

He didn’t pass on. He agrees with it.

It’s right there

Him agreeing.

It is a statement of little import but it is a hateful statement that he agrees with

Jewish politics :joy:.

No it specifically referenced anti white hate.

Until recently the official narrative has been that anti-Semitism from Trump-incited white nationalists have been driving attacks. As discussed in an old thread, the reality is far different from the official narrative. Most of the attacks occur in New York and other Democrat-run cities with large populations of Jews who dress in traditional attire, and the majority of the attacks appear to come from POCs.

The number of attacks have almost doubled since Biden took office. That was true even before the recent war in Gaza.
