What American can learn from the Canadian immigration system

Every industrialized country in the world has much more rational immigration laws and enforcement of those laws that the US. Also of note regarding Canada is that they are considering removing Birthright Citizenship, which is another irrational and outdated policy that no other industrialized country has.

“Responding to the onslaught of “birth tourism” in Canada, the Canadian government is considering removing citizenship rights by birth on Canadian soil.”

It helps to have an arctic circle region to nudge immigrants to.

Russia has Siberia and it works fantastic!


I would love to have a point based immigration system like Australia I am not sure how Canada differs but it would have been a huge step above the current system were if you make it across the border and make it to a sanctuary city you are allowed to carry out the death penalty on an American citizen and get out of jail free card.

I have seen were Britain is looking to adopt such a system. The west in general has been moving that away and the left are going in the complete opposite direction it will be the main reason again they will be in 2020.

You had me at points based immigration system then lost me further down the thread with the usual leftist trope scared of brown people.

The funny thing is there would be no Trump if it wasn’t for the migration fiasco that’s been going on. A good example is the Brexit party, notice how once the referendum was called the party more or less disappeared.

But not in this country now the left instead decided to go full retard on migration since Trump. No borders, tax payer healthcare for illegals. The easiest way to have gotten rid of Trump was for there to have been a Democratic candidate who wanted more affordable healthcare at the same time wanted to protect the border and add e-verify and if they would have brought up a points based migration system it would have swept a lot of people away from Trump that stick with him only because they think the left went crazy on migration.

Yeah…you’re right…except…I’m not a British citizen and neither are you. Why is that?

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I would like to know what the price tag is on Medicare For All The World (that is whomever can get here one way or the other)?

The democrats don’t agree. Their idea is to allow anyone in. In unlimited numbers. No immigration control or enforcement at all. So there’s that.

What are your thoughts on Canada’s immigration system and should the United States emulate them? They do healthcare better than the US, immigration as well, right?

we do everything better.
its because we live in igloos.

That’s because today’s liberal politicians want citizens that are going dependent upon government. Notice how none of the liberals here have nothing to say about Canada’s policy on immigration.

Pretty sure the Democrat Party tactic will be to ignore the issue of immigration altogether.

I find it hypocritical of the OP to suggest the US learn from the Canadian immigration system while simultaneously siding with US Democrats who want open borders for the United States.

Republicans and conservatives would fully support a system similar to Canada’s. We’ve been trying for decades to get control of who comes into our country but the Democrats only concern is securing future votes by luring in the ignorant, the poor and violent gang members, and making dependents of them, even at the cost of innocent American lives. “Better dead Americans than hurt feelings or a lost Democrat vote.” Of course, they don’t come out and actually SAY those words, but their actions speak far louder…

Seems to me by your post history you would prefer Canada to adopt our Democrats border philosophy and not the one you actually have. Personally, I think the US should just form the illegals right up into caravans and bus them up nice and comfortable and drop them off somewhere along Canada’s unprotected Southern border. I’m guessing if we did that, and Canadians had to deal with the illegal problems that we do here, you wouldn’t have posted this OP.

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Yep. Who is your favorite border security democrat?

All of them.

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Yeah…Canadians are soooooo happy with the immigration system that Trudeau’s approval rating is WAAAAYYY below Trump’s.

Who is buying, what you’re attempting to sell? Not me! :sunglasses: