What about that uncommitted vote in Michigan

You can’t please everyone I don’t see how one gets the Jewish vote and Palestinian vote during a major war. Hard to play both sides on that one.


100,000 uncommitted democrats? do they think they should be committed?

we’ll just have to rebuild and open more asylums …

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Not all Independents are swing voters. And there are a small few Republicans and Democrats that are swing voters.

Was an interesting moment here, lots of Arab Americans decided to let Biden know they weren’t happy with the stance concerning Gaza. This was their chance to have a voice on the matter and they took it. Fair enough, I know quite a few Muslims at work that did this. But they also know Trump is bringing a Muslim ban back as soon as he is sworn in, so their protest vote is as far as they will go.

Overall Biden is doing well in Michigan, he killed it on the Big 3 strikes and things are going well here. Trump really crapped the bed going to a scab shop and hiring people to pose as union workers. That stuff doesn’t fly here.

biden flat out lied about the gaza ceasefire before the vote, and has since walked it back.

That may not sit well with some, but you’re right, dimocrats are gullible morons and will still vote for the liar anyway.

They like being lied to. It’s like a warm blanket.


August inauguration !!!

There is nothing like speculating on the basis of your speculations. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

As they say JayJay … Never underestimate the stupidity of the voter. :wink:

Speculating is the cornerstone of this forum.

I didn’t say independents all vote one way or the other. What I said was they will determine the winner. That’s why states like Michigan go back and forth between Democrats and Republicans. The partisans are too evenly numbered to control the outcome.


Yes, but you pulled a double. :wink:

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He is not.

“Doing well” is subjective. For Biden, that is doing well. :wink:

Well yeah. Unless he wants to win the election, of course - which frankly at this point I’m not sure that he does.

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Not sure what to make of polls this election. Both candidates are unpopular, and voters are apathetic about the entire thing.

Elections are always about “getting out the vote”, but this one will be like that but on steroids.

I would say this year Republicans are generally less apathetic. It’s usually the side that’s out of power that’s more energized.

If only because Trump’s base makes up part of that voter block. But the rest of the GOP is just as apathetic as the Dems.

Don’t forget in the loss, Trump got the 2nd most votes in history. If MAGA is “energized”, he’s in good shape.

Probably not a super significant percentage as he’s likely to win all 50 states in the primaries. Last time that happened with a non-incumbent ?

… and they will still not vote.