WH cut legal aid, language classes, and playtime for children

That’s not what we say in my church.

This move will gain support for Trump.

Much of his support is from children of Christ.

i dont care what you or anyone else says in your church

That’s exactly what I wanted you to say.

is there a point behind why?

why do you propose to treat them like dogs?

It was a question based on your indifference, not a proposal.

So food and cages too?

oh sorry,

answer is “no.”

Just withhold food - the other costs will reduce naturally quickly enough.

Yes. Because we aren’t monsters and should treat children with compassion.

until theres no more money because so many are dumping their kids they used to enter illegally.

then republicans are monsters

American first - Christian second - human third.

Excellent! If the invaders want these things for their kids, the invaders should pay for them. I certainly do not owe anything to any foreign national.

The Republicans can come cry poor mouth when they aren’t handing out trillions in tax cuts to billionaires.

those arent “handed out” because they were already earned. govt just let them keep more of it so the money goes back into the economy as it superheats it like it is doing right now because billionaires know what to do with more money so much better than idiot govt

So would you libs rather cloth, house them and provide medical care or teach them english?

Illegals crossing over and killing Americans. Not a hard concept, secure our borders and save lives…