WH cut legal aid, language classes, and playtime for children

You should tweet it to Trump…

Oh so suddenly the Constitutional rules on budgeting matter. President Trump has made it clear that he will take this power unto himself to fund border security. Its awfully convenient to suddenly say the Constitutional rules matter on this one.

Congress is highly dysfunctional at this point… as the mess with disaster relief demonstrated. Everything is not a proof of “my side is right.”

Let’s worry about securing our border first then we can ship these tykes back to where they came from knowing they will have a harder time crossing next time.

Romper room isnt my concern. Making sure drug mules dont cross into the United states is a concern.

Yup save them from abortion and then treat them like trash afterwords…

How about we do this in so long we treat you the same way…

should babies be killed before they are born to avoid the possibility of being inconvenienced at a migrant shelter some years later?

I am an American, they are not. That’s not saying they cant be, through proper channels.

I stand by what I said…American or not is irrelevant to me.

I have heard that people want them to learn English. Then they take away a tool that helps. Pick a lane.

According to an HHS press release in May, ORR has received more than 32,000 referrals for unaccompanied children in Fiscal Year 2019, which is about 50 percent higher than Fiscal Year 2018.

“If this rate of referrals continues, ORR will care for the largest number of UAC in the program’s history in FY 2019,” explained HHS last month.

From your article.

So did congress pass a budget for this agency/department to care for 50% more children? Did they pass a budget to care for the largest number of chilren on record for this department? Have any dem’s submitted a bill to increase this budget?

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So the answer is to end the current programs?

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If congress has not provided the funds to perform health and safety programs AND what are considered luxuries in the environment, Guess what gets cut?

So again I ask.

Has congress funded the increased load on the program, or are they trying to conform to a budget that won’t allow everything that has been previously provided?

8 years of Obama and liberals toward conservatives.

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Ah yes… the cruelty of trying to get people healthcare insurance

At the expense of my parents’. I’ve told the story many times.

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So the answer is to cut the entire program off?

Also there is nothing in that article that says the programs were cut due to funding shortages.

citing budget pressures.

50 percent higher than Fiscal Year 2018.

ORR will care for the largest number of UAC in the program’s history in FY 2019

If congress did NOT budget for the 50% increase, then they will have budget issues and have to cut things to remain in the budget approved by congres.

Unless you somehow think the same budget will cover a 50% increase?

You would think this would fall under his “National Emergency” funding program.

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Just give em’ some shade and a bowl of water?

Oh yes you have. Your parents paid higher premium. My son is alive because of the ACC.

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Are the migrants in these shelters lawful immigrants? Somehow, with the term “unaccompanied minor”, I don’t think so.

Can you name another country that has benefits for those migrants without documentation? Why must we provide those services?

There are LEGAL immigrants from Central & South America. They are more likely to have at least a high school education & English language proficiency than their unauthorized counterparts. Why is so much more attention paid to the illegal population—who may never integrate into U S society—than to those legally here?