Were you fooled By CNN during the campaign about Biden's mental decline?

I think he has a brain and is not suffering metal decline not based on CNN but based on debates, press conferences, and interviews.

I agree. He must have a brain and he appears as sharp as he ever was.

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They sure messed that Covington story up in about as much ways as possibly could be done.

You must have missed the video of him getting lost on the white house lawn.


It’s a stutter.


You’re aware this “director” is basically the head camera guy, and doesn’t decide what CNN covers, right @Cratic3947 ?

Missed the veritas video obviously,

How do you know he got lost?

Youre aware the guy in the video is basically head camera guy, right?

I didn’t really care about that.

What I cared about was Biden’s record he already had, which was 8 years of abject failure.

It’s why I voted Libertarian. Neither Trump or Biden deserved to be president.