Were the 2010 midterms a wave election? Were the 2018 midterms? Compare and contrast





6 senate seats.

I’m not sure how a few extra Senate seats changes anything for Republicans. Could you spell that out please? Especially in light of the flipped House.

Yeah, I was being facetious.

Right now it looks like r,s +2 in the senate.

Where do you get +6

Elephant math?


2010 midterm election.

Is amnesia going around?

Make no mistake there was a wave Dems are now in prime position to clean up in 2020 with a much more favorable Senate map and an election.

Trump is trapped and desperate

And what percentage of the popular vote in the senate.


Did they flip that too…


Reason that Senate seats where lost was because one of idiots ran as a Trump loving GOP wannabe. Go watch Joe Donelly’s ad on YouTube if did not know it he is a democrat and thinks that voting to fund the wall was a good idea…These idiot moderate Democrats think the idiot Trump supporters are going to vote for them even if they are a exacttly like a GOP in policy. Policy does not matter to Trump cult only party of Trump matters. So realistically that seat was already a red seat as far as votes go.

Doesn’t matter. If you want to talk about real waves then lets talk.

Otherwise continue surfing in the kiddie pool. :wink:

Enough of a wave to make McCarthy and the boys to play in minority by a lot.


Call it what you want.

But the blue wave came in and swept the r,s out of the house and it wasn’t even close.


So why are libs so upset then?

I’m not. I’m thrilled.

Scott Walker was a triple flusher, but thanks to Trump he finally found himself down the sewer.


The 2010 election was mostly about Obama voters not showing up two years later. 2014 was the same. Both sides turned out this time, and the Democrats won. If progressives can maintain a culture of voting, they will be very hard to beat.

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The Senate map was not favorable to the Democrats this election cycle. Five Senate Democrats were up for reelection from states that Trump won by double digits. Three of those Democratic Senators ended up losing while two of them ended up winning their reelection bids. The Democrats ended up picking a Senate seat from Nevada while the Democrats will probably pick up a Senate seat in Arizona here. Kyrsten Sinema is now up by about 26,000 votes here.

Upset. I am ecstatic.

How can any dem be upset with taking over the house. And getting trumps tax returns.


So I was correct when I said several months ago that don’t care about the people but it all about using their new position to go after Trump and his supporters.

And to think the libs on here laughed.

Funny how not one post…let alone a thread about what hey will do with their new positions…it’s all about revenge.