Well well well, 87% in pilot program don't show up for Asylem hearings

I don’t have any numbers, not going to look for them.

Why don’t you e-mail brietbart and ask if they verified the numbers.

not going to look for them.

Well if you aren’t going to put in the effort to back your own OP, why do you expect anyone else to put any effort into it?

I did not say the story was fake either.

I said the numbers were not verified.

I can do this all day if this is the game you’re choosing to play. I’m bored today so what the hell?

Sorry that was wiley saying it’s fake new.

A government official said the sky is green on Thursday. The rest of Congress would not comment on the official’s comment.

Then why are you acting like we should just accept the numbers as factual?

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Did they say it in testimony before congress . . . where if they lie they can be charged?

Wait…this is from breitbart???
You guys always talking about fake news, well breitbart is the epitome of fake news.
OP creditability loss…thanks, but no thanks.


Did you provide a link to any actual testimony? Did Breitbart? Or did you provide what an anonymous official supposedly said at a Congressional hearing that supposedly happened, according to Breitbart? In other words, you took what Breitbart says at face value and ran with it instead of actually bothering to find out where they were getting their story from. I mean clearly you didn’t even bother to really read it since you seemed confused about what numbers were being disputed. Numbers in the very article you provided in the OP. When was this hearing? Who testified? Who heard the testimony? All things that would and should be included in an actual real news story. What do you call the OP? Then when questioned on it, do you look for data to support the story in the OP? Nope. Can’t be bothered. Makes sense.


Who says she lied?

Snow, I think the better solution here is to start treating Breitbart as it deserves to be treated-as a propaganda arm of the Trump admin. Before believing a word that comes from that cesspool of #FakeNews, consider verifying anything they report before believing it. It’s honestly how we should treat most media, but with hack sites like Breitbart, WND, etc. becoming normalized, it’s part we all did our due diligence.


It really doesn’t matter if is right or left leaning, these hack sites are dangerous and has done a lot to divide and misinform Americans.

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Which is all I was asking.

Note I even said I don’t automatically accept Durbin’s objection. I’d like to see HIS data that shows most asylum seekers are showing up for hearings.

And why so I want to see the data?

Because summary data is just that…summary data. To understand summary data you need all the relevant context.

I didn’t say Nathalie Asher was lying. I said we need verified numbers. Asking for the latter does not imply I am accusing her of the former.

And Snow…I did all these verifications in less than 5 minutes. It takes work to verify a story…but not all THAT much work.

I don’t see where what I asked of you was some onerous request.

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What source would anyone here consider to be a reputable source of information?

This seems like a good one.

This is what it looks like when you have an adult in the room attempting to deal with petulant children.

Wall street Journal

All 3 of these are quite reliable

For lefties, New Republic
Righties, National Review

You posted 87% in you OP.

isnt up to you, the OP to make sure the headline is correct.

I learned that from my “rove indicted” thread



This is not a new issue. And a more reputable source, Politifact, says the opposite. I’ll believe them before your “source.” Which BB is not.

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Next time…DO BETTER! :nerd_face:

We have video of trump staying certain things and we have his supporters on here stating he didn’t say it.

Video is no longer evidence

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