Well Trump was found guilty

Where can I see this.

Interesting. So why does “Big and Powerful” Fat Alvin need all those $60k Ivy League educated legal legions again?

I know it was because of Versailles, but letting over a million trench warfare hardened soldiers just go unemployed when the Weimar regime reorganized the Reichsheer to comply with the treaty was possibly the worst possible thing that could have happened. Those guys had one skill, killing French and British soldiers in other trenches. When Freikorps groups ran around looking for manpower, they brought in all of those unemployed trench veterans and basically said “well you can’t kill Frenchmen and Tommies anymore, how would you like to kill communists and social democrats instead?” It wasn’t hard to convince them since they had no other options.

I don’t.

But I am not the one saying that juries are partisan.

My dude, what are you doing here? And are you going to Solid Sound this year?

NYC’s crime rate isn’t “so bad” - more likely than not, NYC is safer than whatever state you live in.


I live in the Deep South. We make fun of people who say northern cities are dangerous. You ain’t seen dangerous until you’ve been in the hood of New Orleans or Memphis.

3.5 millions New Yorkers voted for Donald J Trump.


I mean he is New York’s homegrown son, for better or for worse.

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Then I need you to give me the lottery numbers with your luck of serving on many juries.

The National Center for State Courts, an independent research organization has estimated that only about 15% of U.S. adults receive a jury summons each year, and fewer than 5% of those who are summoned end up on a jury.

What control do they have over the NYC political machine? None.

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And he still became the dictator of Germany.

All you would do by jailing Trump is delay the inevitable.

Get ready for 4 more years of Trump. :rofl:

(note: I’m voting libertarian this time around…have fun!)

We live in south Florida. We laugh at New York snowbirds that get their panties all knotted up when some local blows away a thief trying to steal the cat converter from their ass jacker 4X4. :rofl:
Sheriffs down here basically tell Floridians if someone breaks into your house it’s open season.
Oh there’s crime but the deterrent is alive & kicking.

Retainers are paid up front, not after work is done.

Thats the democrat plan. They know they can’t beat trump honestly or fairly. CO was the start of the plan.

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Negative 10% of democrats agree with this.


Live in a rural area instead of an anthill.


Well thanks for clarifying that.

Ah thats right I forgot you live in a rural area. Though not sure why as you like to remind everyone at every opportunity.

Yes. We all know what the plan was.