Well Trump was found guilty


Well I’ll admit I’m pretty surprised. This case was weak from the jump off point. But he was found guilty on all counts.

Now as the WSJ points out these were all low level felonies with no mandatory minimums. And he has a clean record. So he may just get a ■■■■ ton of fines and community service when he’s sentenced.

But this is pretty shocking as it’s the first time this has ever happened in American history.

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I’ll add that I looked around the forum and didn’t see this posted. But if there is already a thread on the guilty verdict, I do request that mods either delete this thread or merge it with any other potential thread.

I did start this.


Sucks when your party candidate is put through all this.

Get used to it i guess.

I’m not. It’s New York.


Even USA Today has predicted it won’t matter at all.

Those that don’t like him have more reason to dislike him, those that like him will rally around him more.

That about sums up Donald Trump.

Yeah but see … the election is decided on the margins… and there is a squishy middle.

Is there a few thousand people in PA that aren’t happy voting for a convicted felon?

That is what will be the Trump campaign’s problem going forward.

If a hundred thousand people in suburban Pittsburgh switch their vote to Biden because of this whole convicted felon thing, Biden wins PA outright and then only has to pick up one other battleground state to win…

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So, your whole message will be the following.

“I know Joe Biden is a sorry president, but have you looked at the alternative…Donald Trump!”.

Want to see the last time that tactic was tried?



Here’s a few questions for anyone. What exactly was the crime, and where was the prosecutor 8 years ago?

That’s a real good question… Let’s see some data…

That seems like a few thousand not happy

It will be every year now, this kind of thing. Bad road to go down…next up, the democrats will be put on trial in places like West Virginia, Alabama, etc.

the verdicts will be a forgone conclusion every time. it will be tit for tat, and turn us into a banana republic.

Hosea 8:7 Reap the whirlwind…


That’s not going to happen. All the other normal people aren’t Crooked like Donald.


The crime here was that he totally ■■■■■■ up how to pay Daniels hush money.

Had he simply paid her out of pocket, then it wouldn’t have been illegal.

Issue was that he funneled the money through his 2016 campaign fund. Probably for tax reasons and to make it more complicated to hide. My own theory is that he’s never been as rich as he claimed to be and done it because he needed a large sum of money right then and there that he didn’t have.

Because of how he did the paperwork and the reporting, it was illegal. Frankly he screwed up. Most rich people in that situation would have just paid her out of pocket.


Not even the.devil’s advocate thought Trump was innocent. Some people just wanted him to get away with it and are surprised when consequences.

Are you saying that Conservatives cannot be impartial jurors?

Or at the very least they know how properly hide ■■■■ and not be brain dead amoebas like Trump was with the Daniels hush money.


After what just happened, it may end up tit for tat.

Trump is generally the worst kind of crook. Not only is he crooked but he goes about it in a moronic way.

No different than those morons like Tyquan who rob the convenience store down the road from their block and act surprised when the owner literally asks them what they are doing by name.


Crooked Joe you mean? Trump’s all democrat court “conviction” will be overturned.