Well Trump was found guilty

No one who has been politics as long as Brandon has are innocent. He’s certainly corrupt.

Difference is that most politicians are smart enough to hide it or at the very least create a group of loyal guys willing to fall on the sword for them when ■■■■ hits the fan. Reagan had Oliver North for example.

Trump is more like Clinton. He’s really stupid about all of it. Like how Clinton played himself by trying to convince an investigative council about what he thought counted for sex at the time. Even though they had already explained to him what sexual contact was according to the law.

This is not going to be overturned.

In terms of its personal ramifications for Trump Tse Tung it won’t really impact him any. The charges don’t have any real punishment assigned to them. So he will probably get some nasty fines and at worse may have to do community service.

Political ramifications are hard to tell at this point. I call him Trump Tse Tung for a reason. His base is very Little Red Book like when it comes to him, so this won’t cause him any damage with that crowd. With undecided independents in swing states it could hurt his campaign in November if Dems play their hand right and keep bringing the conviction up when it leaves the news.

But then again Trump is literally made of Teflon. So it may not impact him politically at all.


“If?” I wouldn’t be surprised if the Biden White House decrees 5/30 as a Federal holiday moving forward. Commemorative plates are already showing up in my feeds.

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Is that what the kids are calling beef fat and diet coke these days?


I would never underestimate the Democratic ability to completely throw an election that they have the advantage in. They completely screwed up 2004 for example and that’s an election they should have easily won.


Nah more like he’s survived things that would have been gunshots to the head for other politicians.

I was fully convinced in 2016 that the locker room tape release was going to completely kill his chances. But I was way wrong.

Although I chalked it up to Hilldawg being just that hated by America. I think any other major Dem candidate would have probably walked him.

Teflon turned to Felon today.

He’s not Teflon. 2020 happened. He racked up so many Ls trying to overturn the election he lost. The Republicans have been on a losing streak since he came on the scene. Look at Congress. They don’t have the Senate. There was no Red Wave. They hold the House by ONE VOTE.

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True. But I view Trump like late stage Pablo Escobar. Just when you think he’s down for good he comes out with some kind of surprise haymaker.

Trump isn’t like other Republicans for some reason. I wouldn’t count him out until the Fat Lady sings.

Plus Biden this year is really weak. The economy blows for most people, the world is super unstable, among other things. In 20/20 Biden had the advantage of mostly not being Trump, who totally botched the initial response to Covid. Now Biden has to run on his own record, and that record isn’t anything to write home about in celebration.

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Neither of these geriatrics are going to be coming out with haymakers at this point :laughing:

It’s just going to be a slow slog to November.

Biden will win because Donald is Donald, Democrats have been way over performing polls for 6 years, it will be close but it will be a W where it counts, and then hopefully a reset in 4 years :pray:

I’m suspecting something similar. Which is a total flip flop from how I felt a few weeks ago where I figured Trump would squeak out a win but Repubs would suffer heavily in down ticket races this year.

There’s no “reset” on our horizon. The extremes in both factions drive their parties now.

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My first question was ideally tied to the second question, which was about where were the prosecutors 8 years ago? I mean if this were such an egregious crime as some are suggesting then where were all these people 8 years ago?

Way to go opening that box, retar(D)s.



Trump couldn’t have been convicted when he was president.

“He’s convicted, so now a bunch of people won’t vote for him!”

As if that’s what millions of people were on the edges of their seats waiting to find out. Imagine how stupid and lonely you have to be to actually say that out loud in front of people. :rofl:


I don’t recall any discussion of this and how he should be convicted?

There was copious discussion about whether or not a sitting president could be tried for a crime and most people agreed that he could not until he left office.

There was a thread on this particular situation when he was president?

About whether or not a sitting president could be tried for a crime? Yes, that was discussed ad nauseam during the Trump administration.