Well Trump was found guilty

It’s a part of the black experience. I’m an odd man out because I’ve never even been arrested and I only have one baby momma. Hell my girlfriends car has been having transmission issues so she’s been riding everywhere in my car. Which is the opposite of how it usually goes where a black dude drives a white girl’s car everywhere while she’s at work.

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Hey, somebody’s got to be the role model! Why not you?? :wink:

True. They were so terrified of communists (which they did throw the book at when they tried to rise up and take over some German state) they totally ignored all the Freikorps dudes running around doing whatever they wanted to do.

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No idea. My dad never had any legal issues but he’s as stereotypical as they come when it comes to the rest of it. He’s literally got 12 baby mommas. I’ve only met some of my half siblings once.

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I don’t believe you and you don’t believe me. Feelings do not equal legal jurisdiction. How does it get there. What path?

And that’s just the ones I know about. He was active duty army throughout his 20s. And I know how army guys in their 20s are. I’ve probably got half siblings in Germany and if he was really lucky I’ve probably got some half siblings in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait too.

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He’s on TV right now rambling incoherently.

If he was just a guy on the corner saying the exact same things… no one would pay attention to him.

They would steer clear of the crazy man

Libs are stuck to Trump’s ankle monitor for the rest of the day now. They hate him, so they HAVE to watch everything about him. :rofl:


That was one unhinged, rambling, inaccurate rant.

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If you believe Cohen, Trump wasn’t aware Cohen had actually paid the porn skank , he (Cohen) claimed he took care of payment himself “to protect Trump and his family”. The recording of “legal fees” as the source of payment? Hell, isn’t that what Trump Corporate called their legal retainer fees?
There is a lot that doesn’t add up.

  1. The accusations of Trump and porn skank having sex are muddy to me anyway. First other than the skank’s assertion and fairy tales of the deed, any witness? Remember, this woman also rambles on about talking to dead people and says she lives in a haunted house. She signed a letter in 2018 affirming she did NOT have sex with Trump.
  2. The sex with Trump allegation began with Stormy the Skank’s lawyer contacting Cohen who promptly makes arranged for it to go away. Did it really happen or was this an extortion plot?
  3. Pecker. He gets paid to “kill” the story. Was the story even real?
    All these people are proven liars and the GLOAT Cohen looks as if he did things ( including admitting stealing) to curry favor with Der Trumpmeister to land a cushy DC job. Didn’t happen and I’m of the opinion Cohen went into total vindictive mode.
    Seems like a lot of lying and backstabbing. Who can you believe?

The jury, after hearing all the witnesses and seeing all the documents, believed the prosecutors.

Trump passed up the opportunity to testify about it under oath.

I might be inclined to believe you if the case had been tried somewhere other than Manhattan.
When the change of venue requests were denied this show trial’s results were a predictable foregone conclusion.


Have any examples they’re not?

Is there really a widespread conservative theory of the case that goes something like:

Joe Biden didn’t want to run against Trump / doesn’t like Trump so he went to his DOJ…
His DOJ went to the NY State courts… And demanded they falsify charges agains Trump, even though it’s state court…

The NY state court falsified charges and convinced a grand jury to indict.

The two sides then cooperated in finding 12 people to be on the jury, but despite the cooperation the jury ended up being partisan and believed all the falsified charges, so they convicted him.

You know, there’s a much easier and more straightforward explanation that doesn’t require a conspiracy of dozens of people: He’s guilty.


You probably shouldn’t commit your crimes in New York County then, which has with zero exaggeration the biggest and most powerful prosecutor’s office in the country, one that has legions of Ivy League graduates begging them to work for 60K a year prosecuting drunk drivers.


That’s impressive. So tell us with all that power and Ivy League educated legal prosecutorial fire power is crime so bad in NYC and criminals not put in jail?

Don’t look now, your “democratic institutions” aren’t doing so well. Faith is waning. Careful about consent of the governed.

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It’s really not? Manhattan is almost all rich people now, the NYPD is bigger than most countries’ armies and the bulk of them are engaged in making sure Wall Street traders don’t skin their knees and Upper East Side ladies find their lost dogs. South of 125th St. anyhow.

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As much as I like to bang on about the similarities to Weimar, there wasn’t a single group that was genuinely interested in its continued existence with the doubtful exception of the Catholic Center Party. The aristos and fascists and soldiers wanted the Kaiser, the Communists wanted a soviet and even the Social Democrats wanted something more like the French Republic.

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