Well, there’s a ceasefire

Yep but that’s going to be tough.

Trump effect is def there but Blinken should def get a lot of credit


Love the edit!

And they are one of the few stable economies and nobody wants neighbors warring. Terrible for tourism and the economy.

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It’s likely Blinkin helped convince the Israeli government that a total victory wasn’t really in the cards anymore and to agree to something.

Egypt was definitely doing the pressuring on Hamas.

Apparently, the Israeli and Hamas teams never spoke to each other. It went through unaligned Arab mediators. Nationalities haven’t been released yet but I’d be willing to bet money it was Egyptians.

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Thank you.

Decided it was more of a laughing post then a joke about post.

Plus Egypt values its relationship with Israel for obvious reasons. They know as well as anyone does how easy it is to get dragged into Palestinian caused ■■■■ shows.

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Good one.

Ultimately it looks like we are returning to the pre-Oct 7th status quo.

I’m sure Hamas will try something again after a few down years to rebuild their forces.

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Sounds like a ■■■■ deal to me, one that basically leaves Hamas in charge.

I am curious if partisans on either side might reconsider taking credit to their side and start assigning blame to the opposition after reassessment :wink:

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People in the Israeli government will definitely regret this after a few years when Hamas tries something “spectacular” again.

So long as they exist as an organized force they’ll keep trying for the Big Bang’s after a few years of down time to rebuild their infrastructure.

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Tom Cotton already blamed Biden for the deal on X. I wonder if he’ll delete this and issue a new statement praising Trump instead ?

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I can’t believe Trump agreed to this one.

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I’m thinking not.



This thread is now a record. :blush:

He’s had ample time. I find it coincidental this is all coming together days before Trump’s inauguration.

He wanted a feather in his cap before inauguration , didn’t want to deal with this headache after getting into office - and likely made some promises to Bibi about Iran and/or West Bank in the coming months.

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I suspect his people played a key role.