Well that’s ironic

this chart may be more helpful

Then by telling her you’re putting potential issues between her and her mom.

Rather than tell her talk to her mom instead if you have to.

And where do they get income?

Great comparison! :+1:

Also it does indeed seem something libs hold sacred for some reason. :roll_eyes:

Combination of public and private funds

I feel the same way about abortion.

I am not, nor do I know anyone who is “pro” abortion.

I am very much 'pro" women’s rights and privacy.

Mod Note

Stop trolling.

This irony is very similar to woman/immigrant/gay/minorities sending money to GOP policiticans.

It’s also worth pointing out that many states require additional ‘services’, visits, and waiting periods by law.

That is going to skew the metrics no matter how you measure them. With this in mind, it is disingenuous to claim abortion is PP’s primary mission.

I did a little research and found a Planned Parenthood link on their website under (donate/teens/ask the experts) that stated the cost to the patient was 0-$1,500, depending on insurance. That puts PP’s price for an abortion at $1,500. That would indicate that PP grosses somewhere above $530 million on abortions. Now one can get an individual Pregnancy test for $25 or less at any drugstore. I am sure PP buys them in bulk at wholesale prices. But we will use the individual retail price for a anecdotal comparison: 25 X 1,108,436 = 27,710,900.

I don’t think for a minute that these are actual numbers. The point is that they charge many multiples more for any type of abortion than for a pregnancy test. Comparing them as like services is like comparing a 5 lb bag of Gala apples to a 15 lb bag of exotic mixed citrus.

Follow the money. A provider of any service or product focuses their advertising and web portal towards what brings in the most cash flow.

Does this apply to non-profits?

As the groups you mention are all made up of individuals, with individual values, beliefs and motivations, I would encourage taking a viewpoint that doesn’t smack of naked bigotry.

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Of course it does. Non-profit does not mean financially insolvent. In the nonprofit world, the excess above cost is just classified as tax exempt instead of as taxable profit.

Did you just make that up?

No, I actually went to the Planned Parenthood website for their cost to provide an abortion. They will allow a person seeking an abortion to use their insurance to pay the cost, or refer them to local organizations who will donate towards the cost or the person seeking the abortion can pay the full cost out of pocket. The point is they charge and charge a lot more than the cost of a pregnancy test.

But lets say their average charge is only half of the $1,500 number on their sight. $750 x 354,871 abortions = $266 million +. Abortion services are the highest grossing thing they do. Probably more than everything else combined. And this number does not include the “reimbursement of cost” they receive for providing fetal tissue to the research market.

As always, follow the money.

[quote=“zantax, post:29, topic:240621, full:true”]

There’s a vaccine for that, it’s called the pertussis vaccine. I have not heard of one person getting pertussis as an adult, although I think it is possible, just very unlikely.

Seems to me much of the issue can be phased out with a vaccine. :think:

Zantax, I understand the point you are trying to make and agree with it; however, there is a little bit of confirmation bias and false equivalency here. You’re gonna get dragged.

That makes sense. IIRC (and this is just vaguely, I don’t remember much) the price for Mifepristone alone was ~$100. I would guess Misoprostol would be about the same amount.

I don’t understand why someone would want to pay so much. Why not just try to prevent the need for abortion, and research alternative ways to handle an unexpected pregnancy?