Well it looks like the options for independent voters is between two mentally deficient and sexually perverted individuals?

Let’s see the accusation.

You often have such witty one liners. I’m sure we would have been friends had we served along side each other in the military. :smile:

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I was mean then. If you weren’t on my Team, you didn’t exist. :wink:

Dialogue’s with you along with some of your posts gets me to think about my time in the service and some of the guys I served with. As I look back on it, it was probably the best time of my life. I sure as hell didn’t have that view then and couldn’t wait to get out, but looking back really do see things differently. There was no Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal, no black or white or Hispanic or Asian or whatever. We all got along with each other, helped each other out, worked fine together, partied together. Life is funny like that I guess.

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You forgot to throw in Biden’s two blatant plagiarisms…and those are the ones he was caught at.

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Plus, if not all actual assaults, there is a particular weirdness to Bidens transgressions.

This is the conundrum that voters have had the majority of all Presidential elections; Tweedle-dum or Tweedle-dee? As I’ve said countless times, I’ve written in the name of Donald Duck in more Presidential elections that any candidate because our choices have sucked.

This year, Trump has earned my vote and he’ll get it. The first time around, it was a protest and to make sure Hillary didn’t get in. I’ve been impressed with how much Trump has matured in the office and believe his prior experience, will serve us all well during his next term.

Personally liking him doesn’t really matter.

That is why Orange Man bad is so stupid and a waste of effort.

I would like to see a return to less partisanship. They are some issues I am agreeing with by the left but at the same time illegal immigration, and outsourcing/insourcing is a huge issue for me as well. And they doubled down in the debates for a relaxed border which would even have made Obama like look a right winger especially Senator Obama.

It’s sad because to be honest I am tired of Trump’s rhetoric, it would have been a pleasant surprise if a democratic candidate won the primaries running on medicare for all and tightened borders and cracking down illegal immigration. I would have had a hard time not voting for them instead of Trump.