Well at least she didn’t say “fwiend”

At least she’s not being called Incontenentia Buttocks … Biggus’ wife’s name.

Incidentally, the extras were told if they laughed they wouldn’t get paid. Poor souls never stood a chance.

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Well, granted she doesn’t have much of a speech impediment, but the words that come out of her mouth are often so stupid that people laugh at her.

I took it to be laughing at inappropriate times.

That too. She laughs inappropriately pretty much all the time.

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Harris is a dolt that made a career of checking off all the right boxes. In her vaunted political career what profound difference did she make holding prosecutor offices, as California AG and what piece of legislation did she author as a US Senator?
None and nothing comes to mind.

Say what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

She is an example of the degradation of the education and political systems because of Affirmative Action and race-based initiatives.


I’d guess it’s a spin off of “fweedom”. Can you find that? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Yeah, I got it squared away. The typo threw me off.

Actually not you. I’m sure you got it…

A Bernadette Peters reference?

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Well, see the M. Python discussion above, BUT…

it is a riff on an (allegedly) pilfered reference from MLK and “fweedom”.


Are they saying she has a speech impediment? I don’t get it.

How am I to know if the story is true or not?

It goes that she was a toddler at a civil rights rally, somebody asked what she wanted, and little K. said “fweedom”.

Thing is, this anecdote may have been lifted from MLK

Come on Man!




She doesn’t need one for people to laugh at her, but the things she says are so inane that it’s easy to imagine that she has one. Although, she does often speak with phony accents, so that may account for it too.

Nobody votes for Vice President.

I am very happy that biden is POTUS. And not the former one term president.
