We Will Regret ever doing the Shutdown

I give Trump supporters a little slack on this… Donny contradicts himself several times a week, it’d be difficult for anyone to maintain and defend his talking points. But I give them credit for trying.

That’s because of the steps that have been taken.

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Whatever. Do you honestly believe you are not eventually going to test positive for this virus?

That’s an assumption.

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Based on data available yes.

Many business decisions are made assumptions. It’s not always a pejorative.

It was stated as a fact.

I was listening to an economist on the shutdown, and he said it has exposed two things. The difference between Europe and USA is a metaphor. The USA is a shiny 67 Mustang that all everyone wants: its flashy, its very sexy, it goes fast, but it doesn’t have many safety features. Europe is more like a Volvo: it doesn’t go fast, it doesn’t look flash or sexy, but it’s the safest cars on the road.

So when you have to smash into the tree that comes along like a banking crisis or a contagious virus, the USA is not equipped to shut down the economy.

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It’s your assumption that that’s an assumption.

All you have to do is look at the data for all the hotspots versus the rest of the country.


Neither is Europe.

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In my line of work, it’s likely. But I have the uncanny ability to think beyond my own health.

No, it isn’t. It is an assumption because there is correlation and you © are assuming causation.

Does Trump get any of the blame for this in your eyes?

It’s a conclusion based on observable data. Compare California to New York for example, or look at what happened in Italy.

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Remember, that the post 9/11 “let’s roll” only required a few tens of thousands to shoulder the risks of the war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq while the remain hundreds of millions were told to go to the mall.

Now, most Americans are being asked to make substantial sacrifices by sheltering in place. Those sacrifices are hardly “curling up in a ball.”

Correlation assuming causation. You are going to be exposed. Like @Steel-W0LF said. Delay.

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While ignoring the cost.

A year from now if you get a fever and test positive, are we going to shut down your business?

We could be thinking the same way, I started to entertain the idea the other day after talking with some people in the medical industry that say we might not never see a cure and this could just be a regular new seasonal virus that we have to get used to.

How do ya figure? Maybe we might get exposed one day. If people are quarantined, some people start to show symptoms, they are taken out of for lack of a better term circulation. It can stop it right there. Thoae people dont pass it on to the next etc.

There is no “cure” for viruses.

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