We want a Hannity List ... List of Rino Replubicans who support Trump Witch Hunt!

I just spit out my coffee. :rofl: What world are you residing in, Roxie?

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Right…do as I say not as I do.

Wouldn’t bet on that. Diane Feinstein is running again and she’s in her 80s. That’s just one example.

As to the OP, he’s a bit late wanting primary challengers for the “RINOS”. Many primaries have already taken place, or the filing deadlines have passed.

So it’s either RINOS or Dems.

Our primary election is May 15th here in Spud Country.

I’m a little down on seeking party purity after Roy Moore. You can cleanse your party right out of the majority. What will Pelosi’s and Schumer’s position be?