We sure could use a President Bartlett and "West Wing" again

LOL. He said it wasn’t and you twisted it back to say he was. Who’s not telling the truth?

That’s not true either.

Sure. At least in the episodes I saw, republicans were never portrayed in a positive light, and democrats never were portrayed negatively.

The episodes you saw are not representative of “Always”.

Big enough sample size. But it’s easy enough to predict based on Sorkin’s leanings.

I actually watched the show with my best friend every episode. I actually know what I’m talking about. Democrats were sometimes the “bad” guys.

Maybe your point should have been that it is a predominately Liberal show. Absolutes never work.

It’s not trolling. There’s a low level intellect Trump supporter that truly believes it. Just look at any Trump rally.

Then I guess idiocracy was a correctly coined term for these 4 years.

If Trump isn’t re-elected, yes.

There was a stretch of episodes where the Bartlett admin. was involved in a scandal.

Yes, If he’s re-elected the idiocracy will continue.

Where he was portrayed in a positive light because it was about his illness. Sympathy.

Ask your expert.

I did and told you what she said. And what JayJay said, which I’ll throw back in here just to remind you. Not that it’ll make a difference.

Yeah, she said there was nothing with russia. Now you’re agreeing with JayJay about his posted synopsis, but you still don’t understand what you’re talking about.

They were both dimocrats. So what, I never said otherwise.

They were in it together. So what, I never said otherwise.

The lead up had them at odds over the decisions being made, right up until the reveal that they were in on together. That was the dust up concerning russia that I mentioned.

And your own quote of what Jay Jay posted shows that bartlett’s nsa was spying on santos’ communications.

Seeing as how team madasheck had zero idea about the plotlines, and multiple posters have confirmed what I posted, I’m gonna discount any rebuttal you have in advance.



Is it “Spying” if you agree to it ahead of time?

Democrats were always the viewers for West Wing. It died when GWB was elected. They no longer had an interest in it.

I’m a Republican and watched West Wing when it ran and I’ve binged it on Netflix.

West Wing ran from 1999 to 2006, GWB was President from 2001-2009.

West Wing wasn’t cancelled until GWB was in his second term. His election in 2000 hand nothing to do with it being cancelled 6 years later.

Ok. Just what I had read at one time. I guess it was not accurate.

Once again, not something the viewers were privy to until the big reveal.

That said, spying is spying. Not everyone was in on it. Just a select few.

If you hire someone to murder you, it is still murder, even if you knew it was coming.

Now if you hire someone to “beat you up, call you the n-word, and yell ‘it’s maga country’ at 2:00am” that is not “assault”. That’s just stupid.