We Need To Stop the Shutdown & Go Back to Work

Wrong as usual. I’m essential.

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It isn’t up to the governor’s eh? Weird. I wonder who gave the “stay at home” orders then?

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Life does not exist without liberty.

It is the same philosophy as executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.

It is up to the people.

The virus? She is not so scary no more.

Not having liberty, money, food…Is scary.

Can’t go there. A person in prison or imprisoned in a country under rule of dictators has their physical liberty denied but they can still have it mentally and pass on those concepts to their kids.

More to Me like “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost”. You could still have “a god” without the other two but it would not be God.

Is that life worth living to me? Without real hope that it was only a temporary condition I don’t think it would be.

A man must have a reason to live and a “free man” must have freedom to be alive or at least an expectation he will one day earn it.

If life does not exist without liberty then I can conclude

  1. Every person in prison is dead.
  2. A fetus is not a living entity since it has no liberty.

You sure you want to go there.

Good caveat.

Just how I see it. Not a scholarly intent.

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You have failed at every argument you’ve attemted. :joy:

Then yo pull this and run.

Hubby’s squad has never been this slow. So many folks staying home has directly led to almost nobody calling for an ambulance. Three large hospitals in the area are furloughing staff so lots of essential jobs are not only not hiring but are letting employees go.


You do realize essential jobs aren’t limited to the medical industry, right?

You made a pro-abortion argument. Just own it or acknowledge you want to withdraw the argument.

All I did was point out the implications of what you were saying.

Link of me claiming medical staff are the only essential workers.

I’d appreciate it if you didn’t talk to me like I’m an idiot with your sarcasm-laced questions.


Well said.

The attitude of some needs to improve.

And what will happen to them if a family member ends up in the hospital, then dies a lonely terrible death?

And what if that family member they lose is the bread winner?

Whatever. Personally I think it’s a good thing medical personnel aren’t needed right now. Especially considering the alternative. Also means the adjustments we’ve been making are guess what? Working.

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I agree, but the left ignores innovation, investigation, & successes often, & that is exactly them, politics over truth, science, etc. Many times what they call science, is not, it’s politics that go along with their agenda.

If they get their way, the shutdown will last till there’s a depression, & nobody will be allowed to use Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate, creating high death tolls, in both areas, poverty leading to high body counts, & not allowing any innovation in the form of drugs, like Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate, & some of the others that show so much promise.

They even want to censure one of their own for daring to say Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate saved her life!

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Instead of broad brush allegations “what they call science is not”… please be specific.

They Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate discussion began with a claim on television by a man who claimed to be a doctor affiliated with Stanford Medical School. It turned out he was lying. Where, subsequent to that, are the peer reviewed studies that show its effectiveness and assess its side effects? The main favorable study did not rise to scientific standards, it barely rose to credibility.

What has happened is that there is a rush on the drug, such that people who were using it, under physician care, to treat diseases for which it is proven and effective, are unable to get prescriptions refilled. That is shameful.

No one is blocking “innovation” – starting on the far right with Alex Jones and Jim Baker and then moving a bit more central – there’s an awful lot of snake oil being sold for profit as cures.

I remember in the AIDS epidemic when AZT was the miracle cure. Given the near to 100% facility rate from HIV infections the push to get AZT out there was far more powerful that the push for Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate. (People on the right won’t remember this because that the time the Republican President was refusing to even say the word “AIDS”.)

Five years later, it turned out AZT was worthless as an HIV/AIDS treatment. Every miracle cure does not have a silver lining.

Cuomo today was talking about training people in contact tracing. Mainly those state employees that are home with pay. But doesn’t get into detail on how exactly that is supposed to work.

There is no one left, right or center who want this to go on until there’s a deep depression from which we can not recover.

This is simply an assertion you believe backed up nowhere with any factual evidence.

There are disagreements over how long shutdowns in each state should last…with the people who disagree using different metrics they consider the most important to inform their opinions.

But it is totally unhelpful to try and turn these disagreements into a left/right, Trumper/anti-Trumper thing when they clearly are not.

You have simply got to stop getting all your opinions from the pundits and actually listen to what those people who think differently from you are saying.

Because I’m sorry…you’re not doing that.

I agree with much of what he is saying, but don’t know a lot about the therapies he’s advocating. I do agree with him on freedom.

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