We hit 22 trillion in debt..break out the balloons

Its almost like it was irresponsible to do a huge tax cut for corporations

As has been pointed out to you numerous times, this is untrue. Bush doubled the debt, Clinton doubled the debt. Reagan almost tripled the debt.

To be mistaken yet again after having had this pointed out to you so many times makes me think your mistake is deliberate.





  1. information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

The deficit has been climbing steadily since 2015.



Why is that? Millions of jobs have been created and revenues are going up. How is that a negative?

Even Obama recognized that tax cuts were helping.

Thats an interesting spin. GOP doubled the deficit in 2 years. Congrats. Spin away…

More jobs were created in Obama’s last 2 years than Trumps first 2. Obama had bigger GDP quarters than trump has.

That isn’t spin it’s simply fact.

Raw dollars as opposed to percentage of GDP.


Its also a fact that Obama cut his inherited deficit by 50%+ and that trump and the GOP congress doubled theirs in 2 years.

Bull ■■■■■ The only thing that cut the deficit in half was the sequester which he fought tooth and nail.

Look at 2009 then look at 2016. Look at 2016 then look at 2018. tDid you know Obama decreased federal spending as a % of GDP? Are you now using to % of GDP instead raw $ since it now makes the GOP look bad lol

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No it wasnt. And you already posted that video. GOP doubled the deficit in 2 years under Trump at full employment. You cant spin it.

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Sequester. More characters.

Thats a talking point the GOP uses to rationalize them and Trump doubling the deficit to $1trillion at full emplyment. And its a bad one.

That’s recorded history.

March 1 2013 the sequester goes into effect.

Yes i am aware that a sequester took place. Its not the reason we saw massive deficit reduction under Obama.

Of course it is, and it’s why he fought it tooth and nail.

No it isnt. If you cant present proof of causality and ahow the #s then dont make baseless claims. Obama inherited a $1.3trillion deficit and left with about $500billion. Show me how the sequester cut $800billion per year. And btw, trump and GOP inherited about $500bil and its now $1trillion.


Remember when Trump said he was going to eliminate the national debt in 8 years? Now, I may be a bit slow at times, but I don’t see any way he’s going to be able to do that running deficits like this.

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Revenues are absolutely down compared to what they would have been with the tax law prior to the tax cut. They would have been $200b higher, and that was even with a lower estimated GDP.