We Have to do SOMETHING about Gun Violence! (Even if it's Wrong)

Well, obviously those things are already happening today AND people are performing acts of terror with guns.

What gun has ever shot itself off?

(Now tell me about the episode of “Little House on the Prairie” when Laura knocked over a loaded gun and it shot her father…)


That is the point that I am trying to make. Inaminate objects are obviously incapable of causing harm without human intervention. So why do we ban/restrict some of them and not the others ?

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And that’s my point.

The sociopath will do what he intends to do, and if you ban one method, he’ll employ another.

And your ban will unconstitutionally take away rights of millions of law abiding citizens.

But … do SOMETHING!! You’re demonstrating the very point of the thread.

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I’d rather confine them to as few methods as possible. You’ll never eliminate crime/terror altogether but we can make it more difficult. Seems to be working in other civilized countries.

Since it needs the absurd to highlight the folly of this diversionary tactic I will accommodate. It is possible that one could murder a person per the medium of a paper cut. It wouldn’t be assured of success and it would be limited to one person; but it could be done.

The above is 100% false. Think!

We should decriminalize all drugs and leave the 2nd Amendment alone. This is a fun compromise. :slight_smile:

Also, I’d like to see you and your ilk fight a war with a derringer or a gun that only holds one bullet. That would be something to see.

No, all guns were not designed for war. That’s one of the stupidest things I’ve read up here.

Yeah but come on. There’s other inaminate objects. Nuclear/chemical weapons, other explosives, etc…

Also will likely not cause harm by themselves yet with the right human having access to those could potentially result in death of millions. Your call :wink:

I’d like to see your ilk fight a war period. :rofl::


A nuke left on the shelf is most certainly going to blow itself up. :wink:

LOL, totally

I gave concrete examples to the contrary.

And that’s why you should be embarrassed by your post.


Containment is a process. Storage is effortless. :wink:

You just insulted half of the greatest generation who fought WWII. Nice job. But I guess you think only cons are in the armed services. Think!!!

I’ll repeat:

“And your ban will unconstitutionally take away rights of millions of law abiding citizens.”

Mass murders by guns? OK.

Mass murders by other means? You’re not paying attention.

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Three exclamation marks? Don’t be mad, bro.

People kill people…very efficiently and effectively with guns.