Water Shortages: The greatest Threat to America?

Some rough estimates on that here.

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Send that idea to Gordon Lightfoot. He can write another verse and fix this problem. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

There is no inability. There is only power and control.

There is NO water shortage what-so-ever. What there is abundance of, is fearmongering ■■■■■■■■ duping stupid people into believing them that this is some kind of disaster.

Guess what the solution will be? That’s right, more power and control over you! :rofl:


You take that back sir. You take that back right now!

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OK then why are a number of Western states enacting cutbacks and water shortage programs?

I have it on good authority climate change is a myth just so liberals can do something bad, I forget what.

Oh so its not happening?

Man I must be reading the wrong news sources.

It’s all part of the false flag. It’s not like this is a problem across the entire world or anything. Just here.

Yeah, the massive once a millennium drought in the west that led to like months long wildfires in California and the Pacific Northwest were all fake. It’s actually liberals wanting to control you somehow.

Damn they are sneaky.

Australia catching on fire? Also American liberals. Or it never happened. Or it was Australian Labour members helping American liberals Or literally any other nonsense explanation besides climate change.

Russia too.

There is no water shortage. There are people creating emergencies for their own gain. Useful idiots play along. Intellectual people know they’re full of ■■■■ and the solutions are decades/century-old technology.

It can rain whenever we want, wherever we want. Start there, save the sheep.

The ocean will never run out of water. Build the desalination plants. Pipe the water along the oil lines. End up there, save the easily scared by internet articles.


This is always the answer!

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Fast track Keystone XL for a Lake Superior to lake Mead H2O Transfer pipe.

Easy to get free household water as well.

Well close to free at any rate, modest up front cost.

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And then what will the Alberta government do with it?

There’s plenty of water locally for lawns and anything else we want. :grinning:

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Cloud seeding + Rain catch + carbon filter + UV filter = water for all.

Coastal desalination plants with pipelines = water for all.

Then there’s the 10,000 or so gadgets out there like the one you linked.

Can you imagine actually being duped into thinking water is somehow getting scarce on a planet saturated from the inside out with water?


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Well for sure if water isn’t scarce. But green lawns in a desert during a drought? That is just stoopid