WAR in Ukraine, Putin approves initiation of special military operation (Part 2)

It looks like Germany is moving to throw the Zelensky regime under the bus. Of course, the German government can’t do anything like this without permission from Washington, so this effort has implications for the entire NATO effort in Ukraine.

The pretext for the change in policy is the sudden concern about alleged Ukrainian involvement in the NordStream pipeline bombing. Of course, the NordStream bombing occurred almost two years ago, and allegations of Ukraine involvement have been circulating since March 2023. Why the sudden change in policy now?

My guess is that the people with some concept of reality in the Pentagon were able to make that case that attempting to fight a major war in the Middle East while continuing to give Ukraine a blank check would be suicidal. The implication is that collapse of Ukrainian forces is likely to accelerate as the conflict in the Middle East escalates.

lol… have you been watching?

Interspersed with the mindless repetition of talking points from Kyiv and Washington, western media is starting to admit that the Kursk invasion was mainly just a distraction with no clear objective as Russia continues its grinding advance in Donbass. Worse yet for Ukraine, Kursk has diverted some of the strongest units from the front lines in Donbass while Russia is mainly drawing on reserves inside Russia.

Here is a good summary that includes recent quotes from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Economist, etc.

“Pro Ukrainian Group” covers an awful lot of people … Including the government of Germany.

Probably the VGTRK … the Russian television news network.

Who could this “Volodymyr Z.” guy be?

A spokeswoman for Poland’s Public Prosecutors Office, Anna Adamiak, confirmed Poland had received a warrant from Germany seeking the arrest of a Ukrainian man, named as Volodymyr Z. She added that he had left Poland and was not arrested because he was not on a database of wanted people.

A one-man job!? Astounding! Who knew that pipeline was so vulnerable to destruction.

According to recent media reports, President Zelenskyy and General Zaluzhniy were responsible for planning the attack on the NordStream pipeline. The CIA found out about it but was unable to stop the attack. Those Ukrainians are dastardly supermen . . .


Putin take heed! Save yourself while you still can!

LOL… substack


The Kursk offensive is doing exactly what Ukraine intended for it to do. Giving Putin his buffer zone. Just not where he wanted it.

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there is nothing new about the report, its the same garbage Russia has been peddling for quite some time.

Hi Ben. You and I disagree on a lot, but we both want way more support for Ukraine. And I wish it’d been sooner. But for this incursion into Russia, which I think is awesome and no one saw coming, do you think it might be a bargaining chip for a possible ceasefire talk? I don’t think so, I think it’s a POW grab and slap in the face to Putin. But curious on your take.

several things together.

Ukraine said they wanted a buffer zone, I think they’re creating one. The area they are taking is very defensible and it will actually shorten their defense lines once completed. I think they will run it all the way down to Belgorod North of Kharkiv once the secure the western part back to their border.

It also served to deflect some troops from north of Kharkiv, Kupiansk and Kreminna which will make an incursion there when they are ready easier. They outnumber the Russians around Vivchansk about 3 to 1 so they are in good position there to do that and extend the buffer.

I also think they figured if they are going to fight Russia, it may as well be in Russia where their towns can be destroyed instead of only Ukraine.

I believe they would not have done it if they did not have a plan in Donbas, which I believe we will see play out over the next couple weeks. They have allowed Russia to extend their lines toward Pakransk, where I believe they will set their defense and let the Russian pound up against it until they finally culminate and then drive them back through the thin defenses all the way to Donetsk rather quickly. The Russian lines may break then as reserves north and south of there have been sent to Kursk. Leaving the front lines a shell once they culminate. They have no defense in depth anywhere in Ukraine at the moment and Russia I believe is overextending.

When all is said and done, and negotiations are finally started, Ukraine will be in a good place to negotiate.

interestingly enough, about a year ago, Igor Gerkin predicted this would happen, but that it would largely be a diversion setting up the liberation of Crimea. To that end, I heard yesterday that Russian telegram channels are reporting a large troop concentration north of Robityne.

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Thank you. I appreciate your perspective. I’ve kind of thought the optimistic northern attempt is Lgov.

Yes, keep the faith. Any suggestion that the Ukrainian offensive of in the Kursk region has been a mainly a futile publicity/propaganda stunt that is resulting in the thousands of dead Ukrainians is, by definition, Russian propaganda.

That explains why YouTube videos of Russian missile strikes, surrendering Ukrainians, etc. must be taken down within a few hours. It is “disinformation” if it is fake. It is “malinformation” if it is true. Either way, we are not allowed to see it.

could be, I see speculation about Rylsk but I really don’t think they’ll go past korenevo. Once they secure the area to the west south of the Seim, I think we;ll see a push east and south toward Belovsky and Protelarsky from Kursk and up from Kharkiv through Belgorod

you tube does not allow pictures of pow’s combat footage or missile strikes from either side. they are all restricted once youtube is aware of them. more dumbass russian propaganda and whining.

there are not thousands of dead ukranians in kursk, there are thousands of russian prisoners and at the rate russian convoys are destroyed there may be 1000 dead russians though.

How long did it take for mainstream media to admit the much-hyped 2023 Ukrainian offensive was a dismal failure?

How long will it take for them to do the same with Kursk?

The Russians are containing the Ukrainians in Kursk and destroying the forces with missiles, artillery, and airstrikes. The US would never consider an offensive under the conditions that Ukrainians are fighting in, but Ukrainian lives are expendable.

The real action is on the front in Donbas. Russians are advancing and Ukrainian forces have been significantly weakened to support the propaganda offensive in Kursk.

matter of opinion. It did not achieve it’s goal of taking Tokmak. It did attrit a lot of Russian equipment and soldiers and did take back some Ukranian territory. Overall, it was unsuccessful, but not a “dismal failure”.

why would they? Ukraine is still taking land in Kursk, and very soon they will double what they’ve already taken and occupy 2000^2 km of newly liberated former Russian land.

no, they’re not. The Russian conscripts are surrendering in droves, new formerly Russian towns are added to the liberation list daily and formerly Russian people seem to be accepting the new boss. He’s not the same as the old boss.

A 2nd bridge over the seim was destroyed today. Ukraine soldiers have entered Korenovo and its only a matter of time bfore the Russians there either leave or surrender. Once Korenovo is secured the area to the west south of the seim will fall quickly.

On to Belgorod!