WAR in Ukraine, Putin approves initiation of special military operation (Part 2)

If we loan them the money to buy it, and they buy it, we’ll have the money. It will functionally be no different than budgeting the money for that purpose, only down the road, we get it back. If we just budget it, its just gone.

Think of it like this. Right now we sell bonds to get money to build a bridge, then we pay for the bonds later. This way we sell bonds to give Ukaraine money that they give back to us buying weapons, we then use it to build a bridge, and later, Ukraine pays for it.

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That all sounds like a fantastic idea. It’s not happening though (as far as I’m aware).

We had the money this whole time to help Ukraine. That’s a fact that I won’t argue. But that means we had the money the whole time to help ourselves. :man_shrugging:

Its what Trump said he would do. Yeah, maybe he will, maybe he won’t. But it is what he said.

I’ll be voting to help give him the chance to fix this cluster ■■■■ and I can only hope we’ll recover one or two hundred billion dollars of wasted resources in the process. I personally, highly doubt it.

I don’t care one bit who dies in that oil war on the other side of the world. None of them mean anything to me. Arm both sides until they kill every last one of themselves for all I care, just do it in a profitable manner.

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Your comparisons to WWII are becoming tedious Bill. There is no similarly between the goings on in this war and the battles between the German Reich and Russia except for the dying and destruction.

The Ukrainian objective seems to be the capture, and possible destruction of the NG transfer station that feeds Russian Gas through Ukraine to Western Europe.

I would also keep an eye of Belarus forces. Entering Russian territory to help expel foreign forces from Russia, isn’t the same as entering Ukraine to help topple Ukraine.

A Russian convoy enroute to attempt the re-subjugation of the Kursk peoples is reportedly on the road… well, really, on the road. All over it. 100’s dead.

Another Convoy is on the way…

The tactics being used in Kursk are combined arms maneuver tactics and Ukraine has penetrated up to 35km into the former Russian occupied region of used to be Russia. reportedly they have now liberated over 500km^2 which is more territory than Russia has taken from Ukraine in all of 2024. This is what it looked like 2 daays ago.

Ukraine has reportedly moved in engineering equipment and is digging in. Reports vary as to the number of troops, but it is confirmed that at least 4 BDE’s are part of the operation. 22nd mech, 82nd AA, 80th AA and the 115th Mech along with 2 artillery BDE’s and SF.

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If only we had people in power that felt that way. :pensive:


1.4 billion last week now this week I assume all this is getting voted through Congress who controls the purse or are these accounting errors?

Are we 100% sure this money cannot be used at home for anything, I mean the balance sheet looks a little bad. Is this sustainable?

Yes, no similarity at all . . .

The difference, of course, is now we are fighting on Hunka’s side.

Smoke-and-mirrors Ponzi schemes are the foundations of our economy . . .

what money? no money is part of this 125M. 90% is ammunition that will end up being destroyed. In reality, this saves us money. Why pay to destroy it when we can give it away?

Seriously Bill? An article about a 98 year old Ukrainian accused of war crimes? Don’t you see how silly you’re being?

It’s been more than 125 million. Why not sell it to them like we did in ww2. Instead of giving it to them

no argument here

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latest information is that Russia is now pulling reserves from all over occupied Ukraine to transfer to Kursk. So far in Kursk, everything the Russian’s tried has failed. Three destroyed Russian convoys (one with around 490 dead) numerous destroyed equipment, and apparently also captured equipment (apparently this move doubled as a resupply run). every attempt to counter attack thwarted and over 1000 Russian POW’s. Ukraine has opened at least two more vectors of attack.

To me, the best results are in two places.

  1. Kharkiv, where Russia has pulled back at least one BDE to send to Kursk. With Ukraine already outnumbering Russia in the sector 3-1 or there about, this will only serve to give Ukraine yet another ingress into Russia, this time in Belgorod. (Putin may get his buffer zone… it just won’t be where he wanted it)

  2. Donbas. Pulling the reserves here gives Ukraine the opportunity to entice Russia into overextending and weakening their lines to the point where a good counter offensive could drive Russia a long way back.

Now we wait and see.

Yes, according to the mainstream media, giving a literal Waffen SS soldier a standing ovation is no big deal so long as the right people do it. A simple “honest mistake, my bad” is all that was required.

On the other hand, Biden and his allies have repeatedly smeared Trump as another dictator like the one Hunka swore to obey. Trump must be stopped to save democracy!

“This is not a normal election where you want to win and if you don’t, you cooperate and do the best you can for the country and hope to win the next time. This is something that is undermining our democracy. He must be stopped. He cannot be president!” Pelosi said about former President Trump.
Pelosi: This Is Not A Normal Election, Trump Must Be Stopped | Video | RealClearPolitics

Likewise, Trudeau has used similar bogus claims about swastikas to smear his political opponents. He then used the hoaxes as a pretext for claiming emergency powers to seize the assets of the freedom convoy and ban protests.

Clearly concerns about “far-right extremists” depends on the context:

C’mon Bill. :roll_eyes:

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Lend-Lease in WWII was not “selling it to them.” The only payment we got was “joint action directed towards the creation of a liberalized international economic order in the postwar world.” And it totalled almost $700 billion (with a B) in 2024 dollars by the end of the war.

In other words, using your $125 million number, our spending in Ukraine so far is less than 2 hundredths of a percent of what we sent in Lend-Lease.