WAR in Ukraine, Putin approves initiation of special military operation (Part 2)

don’t really have to read much more

:+1: :+1: :+1: :grinning:

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Good point. The source is lefty Bloomberg.

So… maybe.

Zelenski and his congress are no longer democratically elected. Looks like forever marshall law.

FDR ran for pres during war. So did Lincoln, but not the little Z man.


hint: Their constitution is not our constitution.

Say whatever you wish, anyone with a brain not supplied by the propaganda off Putin’s desk can see quite clearly that Zelensky has proven to be a great President for Ukraine. Anyone else would have taken the ride.

Our domestic political events have all but pushed Ukraine off the page. The war is still going hot, but the public has lost interest until some big change occurs. The Russians are still pressing all along the front, using slow motion attrition tactics. Their activity near Kharkiv in the North seems to be meant to stretch Ukrainian resources further. It is almost August and still no F-16s

their operation north of Kharkiv was and is a complete failure. it was supposed to be the beginning of Russia’s “buffer zone” in Ukraine and allow them to threaten Kupiansk from the NW. Instead they’ve lost 20K casualties and dozens if not hundreds of mechanized equipment. Ukraine is slowly pushing them back to the border, not being pushed here.

Where Russia is being a bit more successful is Donbas, where they are slowly grinding out some territory (at great cost) around Orachiv and Novasilka.

Russian attempts to take Chasiv Yar are halted
their attempts to take back Klischivka have failed
their attempts to take Vulhedar have failed
They have taken back Orivhine and Robotyne is no man’s land.
attempts to take Torske have failed
They have been pushed back east of Kremmina and in the forest south of it.
While the Ukrainians left Krinky, there are no Russians there either.

all in all, Russia is marginally gaining ground in the area west and north of Avdivka. The cost has been very, very high.

I know people like to think Russia can keep this up for ever. They cannot. They are losing equipment faster than they can replace it, and once the cycle through NK’s old artillery shells they will be shell starved themselves.

It will be about a year before any big changes are seen. If none materialize then, then none ever will.

Ukraine confirms F-16s have arrived in country as Zelensky heralds ‘new chapter’ in fight against Russia



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Is Congress approving all these extra 1.7 billion here and there transfers that has been sent to the Ukraine since that last package passed Congress?

Because I have seen quite a few articles like this since Congress passed the 5 billion dollar aid.

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war drums 1

Has Maui been rebuilt and those good people back in their homes?


The Russians are using the death of 1000 cuts style of offense along the entire front. Ongoing is a better label for Russian operations. They shell and attack daily, inch forward until a Ukrainian strong point is about to be encircled, then Ukraine abandons the position and falls back. One of these times Ukraine is going to wait too long to pull back.

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Russians used an attrition style method of war against the germans too.

Seems to be their style.

Not rooting for the Russians just pointing out the obvious.

They do what they do. They have never been good at lightning war, always more of a force the square peg into the round whole with unrelenting force. Russians are proud and stoic.


That’s all true.

We watch a lot of ww2 documentaries (Wife’s Dad was a ww2 vet…wounded twice in the war) and it is very clear what their methods were and are.

That is only in one area of the front, north and west of Avdivka.

They are slowly losing ground in their little Kharkiv gambit, they are slowly losing ground south and west of Kreminna. They have gained a little ground west of Svotove and east of Spirne.

In the south they have turned Robotyne and Orikhiv(sp) into no man’s lands driving Ukraine a bit back, but not advancing themselves.

In all cases the cost for minimal gains in Russian eqpt and personnel is extremely high and outpacing what can be replaced. They are essentially attritting themselves.

I wish the IRS was as creative with “accounting errors” that favor taxpayers like me.

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Should go back to us.

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The “accounting errors” involving aid to Ukraine always seem to go in one direction:

The Pentagon announced Tuesday that the accounting error revealed last month was significantly more than previously stated and aid provided to Ukraine was overvalued by $6.2 billion rather than $3 billion.

DoD keeps failing audits. If it were a private organization, there would be trials for cooking the books.

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Is this true? They’re really using the accounting error again? Maybe it’s time to get a new accountant.

The US government is basically the Mafia on steroids.

Congress is supposedly providing oversight, but so long as the right people get a cut in the “accounting errors” I doubt that there will be any complaints.