WAR in Ukraine, Putin approves initiation of special military operation (Part 2)


So he’s finally admitting why EU wanted Ukraine. It’s a bout it’s mineral and other resources with tens of trillions of dollars.


Why does Russia want Ukraine? Because Nazis?

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Don’t play stupid with me…I thought you were better than that.

Russia says they invaded to stop the Nazis, you’ve said they invaded to prevent NATO expansion. So do you still think that, or is it possible that Russia is also eyeing Ukraine’s natural resources?

Putin wanted it for that reason. he wants to take it from them. The EU on the other hand wants them to join, trade, sell and prosper.


Don’t BS me…we all know EU wanted that wealth in their coffers.

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The important question isn’t what EU wanted, it’s whether or not Ukraine wanted to put wealth in Russian pocket or in EU pocket by becoming part of the EU.

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And the Russians didn’t want that same wealth because [insert dumb reason here].

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and what were they going to do? steal it? its ukraines, if the eu wants it they can buy it. i don’t like the eu any more than you do, but they can’t steal it. putin can

Through VAT, that and adding to total Europeans wealth that boost the value of Euro’s.

their going to steal it with a tax?

if ukraine is in the eu, boosting te euro will aid them.

Putin on the other hand will just take it. There is no comparison between Ukraine voluntarily, willingly and eagerly joining the EU and Russia invading, raping and stealing. This has nothing to do with any NATO expansion. Putin would have invaded regardless.


Katchanovski, Ivan 1967-
Born September 11, 1967, in Lutsk, Ukraine; son of Sophia Katchanovski. Ethnicity: “Ukrainian.”
Military service: Ukrainian Army, 1984-86
Katchanovski, Ivan 1967- | Encyclopedia.com

He lists Ukrainian and Russian as native languages in his linkedin profile.

Katchanovski is a Ukrainian who has been trying to get the true out about what has been going on in his native country.

Do you have any evidence that he is “left-wing”?

You seem to be more than happy to believe everything coming out of the Biden white house. Clearly left-wing is fine even when the source put outs whatever lies and misinformation suits the current political objectives.


so many lies/

  1. I don’t support Biden, His policy is horrible, it is to make sure Ukraine has enough to not lose but never enough to win.
  2. It is well known that the university professor is a left wing hack working in a left wing university.
  3. Yanokovich is responsible for the euromaiden deaths it is his police who did the shooting. The whole Azov false flag thing is a made up Russian propaganda operation. Azov had no reason to shoot them, they oposed Yanakovich and were not opposed to the protesters.
  4. There was no coup. Yanakovich was not driven from power, he left. He was not arrested, no military forced him out, his own deputy took over. He literally got in his car and drove himself to Russia. He was not stopped, he was not chased. he was never even shot at.
  5. If Yanokovick stayed he may well have gotten what Mussolini did when the people in Italy had enough of him. It was not Azov or Nazi’s that caused him to decide to leave but the people, who he had lied to when he tried to sell Ukraine out to Putin.

All you do here is peddle Russian propaganda.

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Thank you for admitting that you have no actual evidence to back up your claims about Dr. Katchanovski or the 2014 coup.

Repeating the evidence-free talking points from the Obama and Biden administrations is a waste of time.

If you have anything constructive to say, then say it.

LOL… once again you’re just purely wrong. Neither administration has said what I said. The professor is a leftist working in a leftist university and the only thing he did was Putin’s bidding. It is pure Russian propaganda.

There was no bloody coup, there wasn’t even a coup. Russian stooges shot up the protesters because thats what Russian stooges do.


Have to see what happens. From what I’ve seen from other sites Russian banks have closed and shut down their websites to prevent a run on banks. The Ruble is collapsing and while the 'official" exchange rate is 91 to the dollar, you can’t actually buy dollars for rubles for less than 200 and Russians are wanting dollars, not rubles.

Time to join BrICS? LOL, a basket full of crap

Disappointed that there is no give and take here.

Discussions need to happen.

Perhaps a DMZ?

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discussion of what? Putin’s conditions to even begin talks are ridiculous.

As long as China is backing his hand they are not ridiculous.

Talks need to happen. Have China moderate.

Ceasefire now.

Discuss the resources and the claims and work from there.

Putin isn’t leaving empty handed.

They are completely ridiculous