WAR in Ukraine, Putin approves initiation of special military operation (Part 2)

Ah the A4 required Ford Super Duty procedures. We must take this thing completely apart to get at one damn bolt.

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Haha yep

It definitely had its moments…lol
That was my life for 5 years of my time in the Marines.


Reminds me of the belt job I did on a GM FWD car one time for a friend girl of mine.

I had to take the engine mounts out, jack the engine in place (so it didn’t fall too low and block itself behind one of the CV axles) to take the belt off and put the new one on.

After I was I done I told her yeah you’re laying me tonight. Because that job sucked and you didn’t pay me a dime or feed me for it. Thankfully she obliged lol.

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So, was it worth it??

I’d say yes. I had had hots for her for a long time but I was too nervous to say anything. Until she asked me for that favor and I hated that job enough to ask afterwards since I didn’t have any shame anymore.

She honestly asked me because she was broke. Labor costs were too high to go to a shop for it.

Oh yeah and she didn’t mention the car came from New England originally. So me and Rusoleom and an electric grinder became best friends during that job. Because every bolt was rusted to hell and back. So I had to replace a bunch of ■■■■ you’d usually just reuse.

Damn, I would think that was worth more than one round…LMAO

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More withdraws reported by Ukrainian forces in Eastern Ukraine. It looks like they rotated in an unprepared Brigade (115th) and it got mauled pretty bad. Now they are having to rush additional units that were reconstituting back into the sector. They have also pulled back from 2 more villages on the same line of advance for the Russians. Reports have the Russians attacking with 4 brigades seeking to make a breakthrough, while maintaining pressure all along the front to limit Ukraine’s ability to shift troops.

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Unless they can wheel out a level 30 necromancer and raise the fallen to fight again this is only going to keep going down hill. Not sure at this point why anyone would doubt what the end will be if they don’t negotiate.

i do recall hearing that back in march of 22

They have to mobilize more new recruits, and quickly. Right now they are starting to look like the Japanese forces near the end of WW II. Being thrown into battle as replacements to reconstitute the combat brigade personnel losses before they can be adequately trained. Coupled with the reports of stripping support units of personnel and transferring them into combat brigades as replacements paints a pretty dire picture right now. The Russians put their troops into combat with minimal training also, but when you can conscript 300,000 to 400,000 every six months it doesn’t have the same effect.

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I highly doubt that.

I know that isn’t true.

Not true

pretty sure thats normal when you’re at war, so does Russia

not the case with the 115th. They were constitutued over a year ago and avdivka was their first combat so far as I have seen. The result here is not a matter of training, its a matter of overmanning one part of the front while leaving another understrength (all within the BDE’s AO- it was a command problem, not a manpower issue)

ETA: Also largely a supply issue, ammo, especialy artillery shells and AD

It seems it might have been the 155th instead of the 115th.

That would be new to me, reports I’ve seen all say 115th

That would have been a good time for negotiations 2022 right after they pushed Russia out of Kherson. Seems like General Milley came to the same conclusion back then.

We’re going to hear more about troop shortages, fewer Ukrainians are volunteering.

They don’t have the troops to mobilize and keep their economy going at the same time. Everyone knew from the beginning a war of attrition would favor Russia. All they are doing is making their position at the negotiation table weaker by continuing.

Not sure what people were expecting Ukraine can’t defeat Russia.

Milley is and always has been a moron. I have no doubt that the offensive in 22 that took back Lyman and Kherson was a Pentagon plan, and it was designed to not end the war. If they wanted to end the war then, the place to have gone was Melitopol, before Russia built all the defenses and wile the defense there was a shell.

Aren’t many Russians “volunteering” either.

not in Russia they can’t. In Ukraine, certainly can

I saw a different brigade mentioned in another article, could possibly be a typo.